Chapter 2

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"Yah Jongho you should watch where you're going next time before you end up knocking into someone else!" The brown-haired guy picked up the red-haired guy off of Mingi. "Well technically you pushed me onto him if you hadn't been rushing to get to class!" The red headed responded back. Mingi got up and brushed the dust off of his clothes gently before fixing his hair. "it's alright I should've watched where I was going and should've moved out the way." "Don't be sorry it's this big bear that should've been the one to watch out where he was going!" The brown-haired guy patted the red heads back playfully. "I'm guessing you must be new to the school?" He looked at Mingi up and down his face examining him. "Yes, how did you know?" Mingi tilted his head in confusion at him. "You have that look on your face of a lost boy at his first day in kindergarten." "Oh- Well yes I'm new- I was just umm having some difficulties looking for my first classroom...." Mingi looked down at his schedule paper in frustration.

"Well don't worry we can help you out especially since we know the school very well!" The older one rubbed the younger's head. "Thank you for the help. But if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Mingi looked up at the two of them curiously. "My bad for not introducing myself first, but I'm Hongjoong and this is Jongho." "Nice meeting you guys, I'm Mingi!" He smiled sweetly at them both. "You have such lovely hair Mingi! Your grey silver hair suits you so well!" Hongjoong complimented at his beauty and charm. "O-Oh thank you Hongjoong! I love your brown hair as well and your red cherry hair Jongho." "Thank you Mingi-ahhh!~" Jongho said in a seductive tone. "Yah!" Hongjoong looked over at Jongho slapping the back of his head playfully. "Anyways follow us and we'll take you to your class!" Hongjoong smiled at Mingi before starting to walk down the hallway.

~Time Skip~

As Hongjoong and Jongho led Mingi into his class, their questions were non stop coming at him. But eventually they had arrived. Mingi took a quick peak inside the classroom before quickly pulling himself back seeing the room packed with students. "What's the matter Mingi? Too scared to go in?" Mingi nodded at Hongjoong in response slowly looking down onto the ground. "Don't worry, your gonna be just fine!" Jongho patted Mingi's back gently before following Hongjoong who was already heading inside the classroom.

Mingi soon went in as he watched Hongjoong and Jongho walk over to their group of friends. He seemed to have noticed how big of a group they were all together. There seemed to have been five more of them. "They must be extroverted a lot..." Mingi thought before looking around the class, trying to make a decision on where to sit before the teacher came in. But soon enough, an older women came into the classroom. "Class settle down and everyone get into their seats." She spoke and everyone sat into their seats quickly as if they were mice crawling away quickly before their predator got to them.

As the teacher took attendance, Mingi stood in the back of the class as his face brightened up red feeling himself in an awkward position. The teacher started calling out names before looking up and noticing an unfamiliar face. "Oh hello there! Are you the new student that was going to be transferring into this school?" Said the older women.

All of a sudden everyone's heads turned to the back of the classroom facing Mingi getting him more embarrassed than he already was. "There's no need to be so shy with us! We'll make sure to make you feel welcomed into our classroom. Isn't that right everyone?" Everyone's heads nodded as they gave a warm welcoming smile at Mingi. "See! No need to worry. But if I'm correct, your name is Song Mingi?" He nodded at her in response. "Yes I am Ms..!" She smiled "Well pleasure to have you, I'm Ms. Choi and you can have a seat right next to Seonghwa! Please, Seonghwa raise your hand so Mingi could recognize you."

Mingi looked around before his eyes caught on to the person raising their hand. He quickly hurried on next to the guy sitting down feeling his heart pace get slower as his body felt more relaxed now that everything had been over. He looked over at who he was sitting next to and he felt his face burn up a bit.

He admired Seonghwa's features. The boy had such light blonde hair that seemed and looked soft. Such smooth and soft looking skin. His cheeks had a tint of pink. His lips plump and pink that caught your attention whenever someone looked at him. He had the face of an angel. Not only that, his body was spectacular as well! You can tell he had some muscle. But his arm stayed slimmed. But his waist was also eye-catching. The way his soft angel looking face and his slim waist fitted perfectly together. Sure enough, no one would be able to resist him.

Seonghwa looked over at Mingi and they both locked eye contact for a while. "Do you want to kiss me or something?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at Mingi. "What- Oh no-! It's just that umm-" He panicked trying to come up with an excuse to give.

Seonghwa chuckled lightly before moving some of his hair out of his face. "Then what's with the starring for so long now?" "It's just that you have such angelic features and it's stunning to me.." Mingi gave a small smile at Seonghwa. "Why thank you it's the first time someone has ever told me that." He said while grabbing his water bottle and taking a few sips. "Oh really? Who wouldn't want to compliment on such beauty like yours?" Seonghwa choked on his water a bit by Mingi's compliment. "Are you okay?" Mingi panicked a little patting his back. "I-I'm alright I've just never received such compliments in less than five minutes-" He cleared his throat. "Oh- I'm sorry about that." "It's alright don't worry....Mingi...?" "Yup that's my name and your Seonghwa?" " Mhm that's right I'm guessing you just transferred here, correct?" "Yeah I'm just trying to get through the first day though.." "Ah- I see, do you mind showing me your schedule?" Mingi handed the folded piece of paper to Seonghwa and he quickly scanned it. "Oh you have my lunch with me and my friends, would you like to join us?" "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be much of a bother-" "Don't worry you won't be and besides it seems like you need some friends for the school year, so what do you say?" Mingi hesitated but ended up agreeing to. Seonghwa's face lightened up before the two of them started their work.

~After Classes~

Mingi walked into the cafeteria nervously biting his lip as he scanned the tables searching for Seonghwa. He quickly got into the lunch line and grabbed his tray of food still searching for him.

He sighed thinking Seonghwa may have abandoned him, and he wasn't even 100% sure if Hongjoong nor Jongho had his lunch either.

He started walking to the back of the lunchroom where there was a small table.

Before he could he felt a hand place on his shoulder causing his back to shoot up. He turned around and sighed in relief seeing who it was.

Let me know how you guys like the story and I hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorry for the long wait but I'll be updating more for you guys who follow the series :) I love you my lovebugs and stay healthy out there <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2024 ⏰

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Together Forever.....Till Death Due Us Apart... || A Yunho X Mingi StoryWhere stories live. Discover now