Reactivation | Chapter 1

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Ample warning to the reader. The first three chapters focus mostly on the kind of broken person we live through the eyes of. For those curious yes, our character will be a male Tactical Doll from Girls Frontline. Figured it'd fit in the universe.

---Arc: Remanence of The Final Stand---

---T-Doll PTRS-41 Gender: Male Model Production Number 34 POV---

The crunch and spread of gravel rock and over grown grass, as I limp, and drag a ruined leg through the ruins of a once perfectly upkept side route into the distant city beams into my ears, continuing to follow the tracks of some unknown beast in hopes of gathering materials, food... or being accidently led into people. My left eye sensor struggling to remain intact, and operational with the short circuiting wiring harness inside my damaged sockets. My other eye glows gently Maroon in my once Crimson red eyes, with a gentle hint of green in the center where it should be undeniably black like a humans. My Military rush sack over my back, hangs by one strap that crosses over one shoulder. Carrying my weapons... and the weapons of my once 5 man squad of Fellow Final production Tactical-Dolls aka Cybernetically enhanced humans... though... we're more like Robots now... My eyes drift with out my command, almost like a control drift or unwanted feature of being outdated, and left unmaintained. Repeatedly I force them to remain focused forwards. A spit of sparks and shooting out melted copper wire falls out a split in the side of my upper knee plates. I hear gun shots, explosions and other sounds of chaos slowly entering my ear sensors as I approach the outer city. "Survivors?" I speak, no emotion is displayed, I'm simply unable to express it from the amount of heavy damage I've sustained over the 400 year period, since humanity's last stand against the raptures. The chances that a human is out here, none... But a fellow T-Doll, or more likely those that replaced us WWIII and late Rapture defense reproduction model T-Dolls, some first generation or second gen Nikke's...

Which were designed to fight Raptures exclusively, rather then what I was designed primarily to do, which was fight people, before my later upgrades during the early days of the Rapture's attack, where me, along with other T-Dolls got refitted to test tec that would later be used to create Nikke's. "I'll try to make it to the party." I state, using my only fully capable, but withered eye to scan over the area, seeing raptures high production models racing through the city towards one location where all the chaos is coming from. Glancing down, but having a moment of glitch, where my head twitched straight forwards to it's original position violently for a moment, before returning control to me. I reach, taking a John Browning Colt .45 out with a extended magazine. Pulling the receiver, whilst twisting and turning the gun, Inspecting it. It's got hundreds of scratches, and deep gouges through the steel, the once black machined tooled gun, is withered, and barely showing remints of the black origins. Releasing the receiver a bullet is fed into the gun ready to fire. Holstering it. I take my main gun, that which my production model of Tactical doll is designed to handle and use. a PTRS-41 of course it's updated, and not limited to 5 rounds like the original one made in 1940s. Mine is chambered in the rounds of the day though, with updated bullet design's... Which would no doubt be outdated by now by 400 years of passing. With one hand, I hold the long barreled 14.5mm chambered anti Tank Rifle by it's grip, a feat almost no human can do normally with such ease. I twist and rotate the gun, inspecting it whilst pulling the bolt back.

The gun was once painted and machined with a beautiful forest camo, like the colt, heavily scratched, and gouged, the pain gone and only a memory. I close the bolt letting 1 of 10 rounds in a gun meant to be loaded with a magazine of 5 max. The Chaos inside the city grows closer, with each street, and each block I cover. The chaos dials back drastically as I get with in two city blocks of the action at heart. I'm rather blank minded about why, knowing there's two reasons why it can stop, they died, or the raptures died. The likely hood of the latter was low. Then upon reaching one block out a extremely loud rifle rings off three times. One that I sort of recognize, sounded... Like a anti ship rifle. I know first and second generation Nikke's used them. At least elite production models did. "That big a deal huh?" I refer to the threat of Raptures, such a big gun seems unusual to use on high production raptures. I hurry up my pace, limping ever so much faster towards the end of the street corner. "-The repair function can't keep up... Damn!" A gargantuan beast, with rockets, missiles, and other weapons built into it's own flesh. Gigantic arms of muscles, creepy teeth, and glowing weirdly shaped eyes, states, whilst turning tail and trying to escape a bunch of either T-Dolls or Nikke's, the latter likely being the case. It's escape route was flawed, as it turned to run in the direction of which I was in. The Unusual Rapture isn't slow to notice me. It's very obvious that I'm no Nikke. T-Dolls and Nikke's have very distinctive features. So he seemed to give me little signs of worry to me a being a threat. Which was his mistake.

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