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Repeated chorus:
at least just let me say
That when I talk to you oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart
And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too?
Confess I loved you from the start

"Alright class settle down,lessons are about to start."
The teacher says walking in.
Finally class is over.
I quickly pack my bag just so that my so called "friends" won't bother me.
I'm almost finished packing my things when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I internally groan,thinking it was Nendou about to ask me to get ramen with him,or maybe Teruhashi asking me to go out with her to another restaurant.
Whatever it was,I was prepared to say no so I put on and irritated face and looked behind.
It was him.
Why was he talking to me? He never spoke to me once before! Why is he suddenly talking to me now?!
My mind raced with thoughts from a simple tap on the shoulder.

My expression immediately changed from irritated to stunned. I kind of just stood their eyes wide open,admiring him.
"Hey Saiki right? I was wondering if you know which teachers office Mr Matsuzaki is in. I need to tell him I can't go to baseball practice tomorrow. I heard you delivered him homework once so I assume you know where his desk is."
Even his tone of voice is average! The way he speaks to me and the way he asked me that question makes me feel so warm and tingly. I can't help but that unknown illness of warmth on my face comeback. This time it's everywhere. My ears and whole face.
"Uhh Saiki? Hello? Are you okay? Your kind of turning red.."
."o-oh um Mr Matsuzaki's office is on the third floor. You should see his name tag on his desk as soon as you walk in.."
"Alright,thanks man!"
Oh dear God that was embarrassing! I was turning red in front of him! Usually I'm not one for emotions but that really made me feel something. Like cupid shot and arrow through my heart at that very moment.
I need to calm down.
I put my hand over my face a breathe in and out hoping to calm down
"Heyyy Saiki-san! I saw that whole interaction. Don't worry many I support you but your making it way to obvious. Take it from someone who is good with the ladies,you can't make it obvious that you like them,or else they will think your creepy!"

I hear an annoying spirit medium say behind me as I tried to calm down.

Also I'm pretty sure it's just him in general that creeps girls out.
"Toritsuka,you are the last person I would go to for advice. Get out of my sight...also what are you even talking about I don't even like him."
"Actually Kusuo,you totally do! Don't hide it from us! I can tell superrr easily my orb says your head over heels for him! You have liked him from the start!

A green haired fortune teller says next to Toritsuka.

Good grief,everything has to be their business too.


A/N: I wrote this chapter before but my Wattpad glitched and deleted EVERYTHING so I had to re write it 😭😭

from the start-laufey but ✨Satou x saiki✨Where stories live. Discover now