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Hi! As promised I'm here with a MattBin story! This is intended to be short and less dramatic. A quick read, kinda predictable- just to fill your heart with the undeniable chemistry between our precious P02 and P03 🥺

The trope I'm going with is office romance. Since it's kinda short, some members won't have major roles, yk, just mentions and stuff. The focus will mostly be on our first couple, two more will be mentioned though, let's not reveal them yet :D

I hope not to disappoint. The idea I have is simple, worth an easy, light read I guess. If you end up liking this, leave votes and some pretty words, your appreciation makes me happy <3

The updates will be irregular, based on how available I am. I'll try to be quick though. I hate keeping you guys waiting :)) Also, there are no pre written chapters for this one, so I can only update after I finish writing a new chapter. Hope you understand!

Then, love you! Let me take you to the world where Seok Matthew is the new employee of a multinational company-

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