Ch. 10

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Matthew managed to sit next to Hanbin thanks to the lunch hour when Lee Jiyu, the woman casually occupying the middle seat goes to the cafeteria, leaving them alone to talk freely. Since Hanbin takes a few more minutes to finish his work, Matthew tends to occupy her seat while waiting, in order to have lunch together later. During that time, he often talks, because Hanbin happily responds.

"Hyung," Matthew called one time, "Are you coming to the manager's birthday party?"

"The manager's birthday party?" Hanbin asked, quite confused.

"Yeah, don't you know?"


"Okay so, we're hosting a celebratory party for him. On his birthday that's happening in a few days." Matthew explained.

"Oh." Hanbin answered, quite uninterested.

"Aren't you coming?" Matthew asked again.

"Will you go?"

"Me?" Matthew smiled, "Of course! I'm the host after all."

"You're hosting the party??" Hanbin was really baffled at the newfound information.

"I mean, like I'm inviting people and planning what to do, though the plans are not entirely mine."

"But, why you?" Hanbin asked, "Because you're the junior most??"

"Nooo!" Matthew quickly said, "Why would you think that way?"

"Cause what must be the reason for you to do this for him?" Hanbin gave a smile of disbelief, "You're not even that close with him. Someone must have asked you to do it, right??"

"Ehm...." Matthew thought. He was a bad liar, he knew he'd get caught if he denied it. Plus, he really didn't wanna be dishonest with Hanbin. So, he nodded.

"Who is it?" Hanbin asked, eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

"Um..." Matthew tried, "You're coming, right? Then I'll go ask someone else-"

"Seok Matthew," Hanbin stopped him from escaping, "Who asked you to do it?"

"Hyung, why do you wanna know?" Matthew said, trying hard not to spill the secrets.

"I swear if it's one of them trying to make you work overtime again-"

"No, no! It's not them!" Matthew bit the inner side of his cheeks, "Uh..."

"Just tell me." Hanbin said softly, "I won't tell anyone."

"Okay, fine..." Matthew said, "It's actually a secret. Um.. the CEO asked me to do it."

"The CEO??" Hanbin was even more confused, "What does he have to do with the manager??"

Matthew felt even more nervous. Hanbin was really catching every hint. At this rate, hiding the truth would be such an ordeal!

"Hyung," Matthew suddenly went closer to Hanbin's ear, "Promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

"Tell what?"

"Promise first!" Matthew insisted.

"Okay, okay." Hanbin leaned towards Matthew, so that his ear was closer to the younger's lips. He waited.

"The CEO is dating manager Hao." Matthew said, expecting a gasp, a surprised look on Hanbin's face. But instead, he saw the frown getting stronger and Hanbin's eyes suddenly looked more fierce.

"What!?" He almost shouted, Matthew hushed him immediately, "Hyung! Quiet down!"

"How do you know this?" Hanbin asked, voice low but with such a strong note that for once, he looked like he was angry.

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