Chapter 1 (Mitch)

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         "W-what's going on?" Mitch dropped the bag of groceries he was carrying on the floor of his apartment. The sight in front of him had still not registered in his mind.

Trevor stepped away from the brunette he was kissing as soon as he saw him. "Mitch! What are you doing back here so early?" Trevor took a couple of steps towards him but stopped when Mitch held his hands up.

         "Care to introduce pretty boy to me?" he snapped. He crossed his arms to seem more intimidating even though he was on the verge of tears.

"I thought you said you already broke up with him," the unknown brunette spoke up, looking over at Trevor with an annoyed expression.

         "What does he mean Trevor? How long has this been going on?" Trevor still had not decided how to answer any of the questions being thrown at him.

The brunette decided to answer for Trevor. "For about five months now actually."

         Mitch was getting ticked off with this guy. If he answered him one more time- Wait, what? He stared at the stranger, then Trevor. Disbelief was evident on his face. "Five months!? Trevor. Say something. Tell me he's lying." His voice was loud but shaky, his hands trembled at his side.

Trevor gave a frustrated sigh and looked at him. "It's true Mitch."

         He couldn't stop the tears that spilled over his eyes. "But why?"

"Oh come on, please stop making a scene out of this!" Trevor suddenly seemed to get very angry and annoyed with the situation. "You're such a drama queen! Our relationship was already falling apart. You knew it was doomed sooner or later anyway."

         "You're cheating on me Trevor, what's not to be dramatic about? Every relationship has problems. You should be trying to fix it by talking to me instead of going behind my back!"

"Oh shut up, Mitch! I don't want to fix it! I'm done with you! Why do you have to be so annoying and whiny all the time? I'm getting sick of your attitude."

          "Then you should have told me, you bastard! I loved you!" With each word, Mitch's voice got shakier, but he tried to swallow the lump that was building in his throat and get his words out right.

"Well I don't anymore! I haven't loved you in ages. I didn't end this sooner because I felt bad for you. But I should've just gotten rid of you a long time ago." There wasn't a hint of love or concern left in his voice, and his eyes were burning with anger as he spat those dagger sharp words.

         Mitch started shaking his head in denial. He just couldn't absorb the words that came out of his boyfriend's mouth. "Trevor, please. Tell me this is all just a joke."

"It's not. Get out Mitch. I don't want to ever see you again." His every word stung like a knife to the heart, but Mitch didn't want to let the pain show on his face. He couldn't give Trevor the satisfaction of hurting him.

         "Fine! I'll leave. I hope you and pretty boy have a great Valentine's day." He turned and stormed out angrily, slamming the front door on his way out. He got into the elevator, pressed the button for the ground floor and leaned against the railing when the doors closed. Only then did everything that just happened truly hit him, and it hit him hard. How could Trevor have the heart to do such a thing? Yes, their relationship wasn't exactly the smoothest this past year, but don't all relationships go through a rough spot at some point?

But now things were starting to make more sense to Mitch. The late nights out and all the work related trips that suddenly came about. Even the fact that, like today, Trevor had refused to go shopping with Mitch anymore, which they used to do all the time. Maybe the reason behind all that was Trevor's new affair. How could he have been so stupid to not realize this sooner? For the past five months, he had been blind to this secret relationship the man he loved had behind his back.

As soon as the elevator dinged and opened, he walked as fast as he could past the lobby and into the streets. Without even realizing, he broke into a run. He didn't know where he was going or how long he would run, but he just wanted to get as far away as possible from this place. It didn't help that the streets were filled with Valentine's Day decorations and couples walking around, kissing and cuddling on the side walk. After all, Mitch and Trevor had met on Valentine's Day. Best anniversary ever, right?

As he ran, all those lovely memories of his relationship came flooding back. Their first awkward meeting, the dates, the romantic gestures, the promise ring. He slowed down at a corner and looked at his hand. The little silver ring was still on his  finger. Trevor had got it for Mitch on their first anniversary and promised that he would stay with Mitch through thick and thin, to keep him happy and never hurt him. But he broke his promise in just a year.

Mitch took the ring off and threw in across the road. He watched as it bounced on the street and rolled into the drain on the opposite side of the road. Down the drain, just like his two year relationship with the man he though loved and cared for him. He turned and continued running. He was already a few blocks away from the apartment, but he didn't stop. He ran past the part of town he was familiar with. Tears were making his vision blurry and his legs were starting to get tired, but he wasn't going to stop until his feet gave in beneath him.

He knew from experience that running away from problems wasn't going to help, but he had to try. His whole life, all he did was run. He ran from his depressing childhood, he ran from his terrible life on the streets. And now when he finally thought he had found happiness and could settle down, he had to run yet again from his cheating boyfriend.

He started to lose focus on the road as the thoughts overwhelmed him, and he ran into a couple on the sidewalk, causing the girl to spill her drink on the ground. He apologized when her partner told him off before he turned back and proceeded running. He ran out onto the street without realizing. He noticed a little too late that a black car was coming right at him. He watched as the car lost control, swerved and hit him. He felt the air get pushed out of him with the force of the impact as he was sent flying through the air. He landed with a thud as his head hit the hard curb.

His whole body felt like it was on fire as the excruciating pain coursed through him. He tried moving but stopped as soon as a sharp pain shot up from his numb arm and legs. He found himself gasping for air as breathing became a difficult task due to the intensity of the pain. His vision started to get dark and blurry, and he realized he was quickly slipping from consciousness. The last thing Mitch saw was the feet of passers-by running up to him and surrounding him, as well as the small pool of blood that was starting to form around him, mixing with the tears that continued to flow down his cheeks.

Then, everything went black.


Sorry to start the story of with tragedy, but I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter anyway. :)

This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends, @sallyvinks. She has supported me through everything I have done, whether it was on YouTube or here on Wattpad. Even when my other friends were skeptical of me, she gave me so much positive feedback and encouraged me to continue writing better. Thank you for your friendship and support Sally, I really appreciate having you in my life.

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