Chapter 3 (Avi)

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 "Avi, I just don't understand why you can't see eye to eye with me."

          "And I don't understand why you always make a huge deal of everything."

           This was the third argument they had that week. It was getting more frequent and it was worrying Avi a bit to think of where their relationship might be heading. He loved Sarah very much, but she had a habit of over-analyzing things, and he was beginning to think she actually loved bickering with him.

"You're always working and you seem to be home less each day. Of course I'll make a big deal about it," she grumbled, looking out the window with her arms crossed. "Especially when I see the way that tramp flirts with you."

          He knew how much Sarah despised his colleague, Natasha. They were assigned to work on a new project together and Avi would be stuck with Natasha until it was completed. Natasha wasn't exactly hiding the fact that she admired him, and she would constantly be flirting with him during work. He ignored her attempts as best as he could because A) he found it really annoying, and B) he already had an amazing girlfriend. But it didn't really convince Sarah one hundred percent though.

          "Sarah, I told you I don't like her. Why can't you just trust me? We've already discussed my decision. Once I'm done with this project, I'm going to resign and go full time into working on a music career. Then we can spend more time together at work and at home."

She sighed and leaned back against the headrest. "I know, I thrust you Avi. It's just... I don't know. I guess I just don't wanna get hurt again."

          He focused on the road as he thought about her ex-boyfriend. She rarely pulled that card because it was a sensitive topic to her. Her ex had cheated on her and left her for his secretary. Until Avi met Sarah at the recording studio she worked at, she had been afraid of relationships, but eventually he managed to bring her out of her shell and they had been working together on Avi's musical projects for the past 2 years. He understood that she was scared of going through all that heartbreak again, but it still hurt to think that she didn't trust him after all that time they had been together.

          "Sarah, you know I would never hurt you the way Eric did, right? I love you too much to do that to you. I promise I will be standing by your side faithfully until the day you get bored of me and chase me away."

She chuckled and shook her head. "As much as we argue, I don't think I could ever get bored or hate you. I love you Avi."

          He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "I love you too Sarah," he said with a loving smile. She reciprocated before turning back to look out the window.

          As Avi turned back to the road, a flier came out of nowhere and landed on the windshield, partially blocking his view of the road. "Oh come on!" he groaned. He turned on the windshield wipers in an attempt to get the flier off, but the glossy paper was stuck and wouldn't budge.

          Since he still had half the view of the road ahead, he decided to try to get the flier off by hand before reaching the intersection ahead without bothering to stop the car or slow down. He rolled the window down and leaned out to get the flier off the windshield.

"Avi, why don't you just stop at the side and do it?" Sarah suggested warily.

          "Don't worry, I got this." He reached his hand forward and felt around for the edge of the flier with his fingers without averting his eyes from the road and keeping his other hand on the steering wheel.

          Just then, a gust of wind blew the flier off, momentarily distracting Avi. As soon as he regained full view of the road ahead, he panicked and immediately stomped on the brakes just as Sarah shouted out his name as a warning, but he was a little too late.

Out of nowhere, a guy ran onto the street in front of them. The car swerved and slowed down just a little, but still managed to hit the diminutive man with enough force to knock him onto the hood of the car and send him flying to the side of the road. 

         The vehicle continued to skid as Avi tried in vain to regain control over it. Finally, it came to a stop when it crashed into a pole on the opposite side of the small intersection. The airbags sprung up instantly, preventing them from hitting the dashboard from the powerful impact. Instead, Avi got hit right in the face by the airbag and felt his nose crack painfully.

         He immediately turned to check on Sarah, trying his best to ignore the throbbing pain in his nose. "Are you okay honey?" She looked shaken up but besides that, she seemed fine.

"I'm okay Avi. My arm is a little sore but it'll be fine I think. Avi, your nose-"

          "I'm fine." He wiped his nose with the back of his hand then tried to unbuckle her seat belt. "The airbag hit my nose, that's all."

"It's okay. Go check on the guy we just hit. Please." She urged with a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go! He could be dying, please just go and help him. I'll be right over once I pull myself together."

          He reluctantly pushed his door open, got out and ran across the road back to where a small crowd was starting to gather around the victim. As he approached the scene, he saw a tall, blonde haired guy kneeling next to the unconscious brunette and asking someone to call for an ambulance while he tried to stop the bleeding from the victim's head. Avi quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 911. He had to cover his nose with the back of his hand to stop the flow of blood coming from it. A random lady in the crowd passed him a tissue and he gratefully accepted it with a nod, dabbing at his nostrils with it. The pain had abated to a dull ache, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. He knelt down beside the blonde after ending the emergency call.

"Is he okay? Is it too bad?" he asked the blonde guy with concern. He didn't really know what to do in such situations and could only watch helplessly.

The blonde looked at Avi briefly before turning back to the unconscious man. "I don't know. He's alive, there's still a pulse and all, but he passed out after he got hit. He's losing a lot of blood though. I don't know if he will make it but I really hope he does." He sounded just as worried as Avi was at that moment. If this innocent man died because of his recklessness, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Suddenly, people started screaming and yelling at others to move and watch out. Avi quickly got up and turned in time to see a huge semi lose control, colliding with a few cars in its path and heading right towards his own wrecked car. He watched in horror as he saw the whole scene unfold right in front of his eyes in slow motion. The last thing that registered in his mind was that Sarah was still seated in the passenger seat of the car.

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