Please don't say you love me

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Rosie's P.O.V 

Day one of hell begins. College is the worst thing invented, no that's the second worse thing invented the first is periods but we won't go there.

So anyway the challenge for today is to get out of bed. This will be interesting seen as I am not a morning person. And two its a Monday morning and the first day back after Christmas break.

So let me tell you about myself, my name is Rosie Kaisha Horan. I'm 17 and I am at the Grimsby institute studying my second year of childcare and education. And yes before you say anything my last name is Horan and no he is not my brother but he is my cousin.

So there you go back to the topic in hand getting up. This is torture why do they make us get up so early. Oh well thats the price you have to pay when you want to go somewhere in life.

Well better get up don't want to be late. I walk into my bathroom put my hair in a messy bun and brush my teeth. Walking back into my room I throw on my leggings and my Rolling Stones t-shirt and my black vans. Walking down the stairs I grab my bag and iPod and head off for college.

I start walking up my street when I was about to text my friend Amy that I was on my way so we could meet up when I hear a car come flying down the street and to a sudden halt ride about where I am walking I look up to see none other than the person I hate the most.

My dear father.This is not what I need right now why cant he just leave me alone. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him shouting at me.


"Dad please just leave me alone I don't need this now, Im going to be late for college, bye." I reply back to him as calmly as I can. I then start to speed walk down my street as fast as I could.

I could hear the car coming my way. But I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull it out and its Amy calling me.

"Girl where are you I am here waiting for you?" Amy asks before I can even say hello.

"Amy I'm on my way long story but I have actually got to run so be there in five." I say and hang up before she could reply. And then I literally start to run to meet her. But I can feel the presence of the car following me and I only have to glance to my left to see that he is still following me. I keep running and running till I can see Amy coming into view a look of panic starts to form on her face and she was ready to run with me. I was about to cross the road when a sudden jolt stopped me and I went flying. Next thing I know I can see people standing around me talking then blackness came across me.

Amy's P.O.V 

I could see Rosie running towards and she looked seriously scared and I knew we would be running to college just by the way she running. Then just as she was about to cross the road as a car started to speed up and went straight into Rosie she had no chance of saving herself from being hit. The car started to speed off as I ran to Rosie her lying lifeless in the middle of the road with her head bleeding and her leg in the most weird position ever.

Rosie's P.O.V 

All I could hear was people shouting, but I could hear a girls voice, a voice that I could recognize I think it's Amy but I can't tell at the moment well it's more like I can't remember who that is. To be honest I don't remember who I am, where I am and what happened to me and why I am in blackness.God my leg hurts why does it feels like it has been bent backwards. God I’m in so much pain and I’m so confused. Please will someone just wake me up!!! Im in hell!!!

A/N: Yeah this is the first chapter its a bit shit sorry but the next one will be better let me know what you think peeps

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