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It was about ten in the morning, Soul and Keeho were still in the best of their sleep while the latter's parents were now awake

The woman received a sudden call

<honey let me answer the phone for a moment> she said, chewing the last bite of her breakfast, moving away from her husband who was reading his usual newspaper

<Who's this?> He asked

<Shota, Haku Shota> on the other side of the phone there was a voice from another woman

<Who is it that speaks?>

<You, I know you have my son, Haku Shota>

Keeho's mother didn't understand right away but for sure something strange fell behind all this

So as not to waste any more time she attacked the phone without thinking too much, and it is shortly after that Keeho's father got up from the table to move to the living room to make room for Keeho and Soul who had finally woken up

<You know Keeho, it has called a strange woman saying "Haku Shota" and repeated it many times> laughed the woman putting two bowls of cereal in front of the two

<H-haku Shota?..>asked Soul.

The mother raised her head suddenly <yes... why?..> she asked in turn

<that's me.> he said <Keeho I'm not hungry, sorry I'm going to the bathroom for a moment> Soul got up from the table running to the bathroom

As soon as he accessed the bathroom he rinsed his face thinking about what to do, if he should explain everything to Keeho.

Because the only thing to do not to be found after running away from home was to tell everyone a false name .. no, he had never mentioned it, he made believe and said he had a perfect family, in fact it is as Keeho believed ... but evidently it was not like that, he had only played with him, in reality he did not have a place to return to

<Soul open now> talking about Keeho the latter started knocking on the bathroom door

Soul decided to get out of the bathroom where his boyfriend was waiting for him in that dark corridor, caused by the still closed windows, and also quite narrow.

<are you serious Soul, when did you want to tell me? Or maybe better say Shota.> said the major with his arms crossed

<Don't call me that> the minor looked down

<And why on earth?> Keeho laughed looking elsewhere, obviously not because the situation made him laugh, it was more of a nervous laugh

<Keeho don't laugh! Listen, all those things I told you when we were in Seoul forget them, they were all bullshits, I am who you believe, my family is not what you believe. I thought I could start a new life just by running away, but I just got it worse.. I- I didn't want to joke with you.> the minor was now in tears in front of the other guy

<I'm sorry for treating you like that, I don't even know why I got angry> The major hugged him holding him tight

<But so now you're going to leave since your mother called?>

<No, I just wanted to find my parents.. but i don't have a place to stay>

<Then you will live with us>

<Keeho no, I'll bother> said the minor detaching himself from the hug wiping his tears

<Baby, you know well that my mom likes you, it won't be a problem> Keeho said putting his hands on his boyfriend's hips

<I don't know what to say..>

<Don't do it then> the major laid his lips on the soft ones of the minor.

me, you, a new world || keesoul / eng. version Where stories live. Discover now