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Although Soul was now safe with friends who always contacted him and Keeho by his side he continued to worry...

at the time it was an hour, since Keeho entered the bathroom to wash himself, that the minor was slumgged to the ground near the bedside table looking at nothing or looking at the messages that Jongseob sent him.

Keeho entered the room with a towel around his neck with wet hair, looking at Soul

<Baby why are you on the ground?> He asked, crouching at his height

<I...I don't know, I'm going to wash my face a bit> said the minor, getting up from the floor and automatically getting the other one up too, entering the bathroom and locking himself...

After two hours Soul didn't get out.

<Soul! When are you getting out?> Keeho knocked on the bathroom door not expecting Soul to come out and throw himself into his arms, crying.

<What...> he said hugging him holding the younger close to himself

It was obvious that Soul felt melancholy, he was a boy who missed his parents, his house, his old life and lacked everything.

He only had Keeho to rely on and they both knew it.

Immediately after comforting Soul they went to sleep

And just when the minor was about to put himself in the sleeping bag on the floor Keeho stopped him

<Baby get up.> he tapped his hand making the gesture of getting on the bed, so they found themselves sleeping together.

me, you, a new world || keesoul / eng. version Where stories live. Discover now