chapter sixteen. gone girl

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Hope walked through the city with Alec, they realised they lost their precious Clary and Hope guessed where she would be. When they drew near, her phone started ringing.

"Why'd you gone girl? And what's the point of an invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?" He stepped closer to Clary and she jumped a little. She turned and Hope hit her arm.

"What are you doing out here by yourself? Deputy Dickhead will get his title revoked if they find out he lost you." She hit Clary again.

"Well he was being true to his name, I have to take this." It's Simon and when Clary walks away, Alec follows her. "Privacy is a real thing." She looked up at him. "Not between a guard and a runaway inmate."

"Your prison analogy is hurting my brain." She responded as Clary filled Simon in on her plan which involved going to her loft.

"I'll be fine, I'm with Hope. I'm always with Hope." Clary told Simon who must've been worried but by the look on her face, he wasn't convinced. She hung up soon after.

"He's meeting us there." Clary walked fast to avoid whatever Alec was going to say. "Great, we'll have a trampy trio reunion." Alec followed her, Hope on his heels.

"Hey, don't say that." She passed him. "You're here too, it's the core four now." She bumped into him a little and the stick up his ass seemed to get a little loose.

"Is his dick still hard cause of the Jace incident?" Clary turned back at him. "Stop calling it that." He retorted. "Just admit you're in love with Jace." Clary added. "She's in love with Jace." Alec pointed at Hope.

"Don't bring me into this, I'm into your mom." Alec shoved her a little and she almost went into the road.

"She scared the shit out of you, be for real." Clary walked backwards, talking to the two who were both taller than her but somehow still managed to be behind him.

"Can we please wander back to the topic at hand. Your stupid friend is meeting us at the loft." Alec looked between the two girls, both of them so no reason why their friend couldn't join them.

"Why do you hate him so much? Is it the height thing?" Clary asked.

"What height thing? I don't hate short people, I put up with you two every day." Alec pointed between them.

"I hope to God it's not the Jew thing cause I'd be disappointed in you." Hope added, "I didn't even know about his religious background."

"Well, we don't care why you hate him. We like him." Clary shrugged, like was a small word to describe a life long friendship.

"This better be quick." Alec groaned. "We're not quick, Alec. Are you?" Hope turned to him and he pushed her into the road.

To get back at him for pushing her in the road, Hope and Clary spend the entire walk talking about how hot they think his mom is. "This is getting sick." Alec spoke.

"Your mom is beautiful, you're telling me if you had a chance you wouldn't." Alec glared at Hope. "She's my mom."

"But if she wasn't." Clary speaks up.

"But she is." Alec retorts.

"What she's saying is if she wasn't your mum, would you shag her?" Before Alec could fully tell her how grossed out he was, Clary paused.

"What are these things all over the loft?" She asked, she could finally see the runes.

"They're for protection cast by a warlock." Hope traces her fingers on the runes. "I made this one." She points at the one in pink.

"Why?" Clary turned to her. "To protect you, if you haven't noticed, everything I do is to protect you." Hope looks down and Simon is climbing up the fire escape.

"Glad you're not dead." Clary hugged him. "What are all these tags?" Simon asked, looking around the walls. "When did you get the sight?" Alec furrowed his brows.

"I don't know but whoever drew these needs a lesson from the girls." Simon judged and Hope slapped his arm.

"They're supposed to look like that, pretty runes don't protect you."

"Sorry," he held his hands up in defeat as Clary looked at the heart painted on the wall with HM + CF in it. "This was from when Hope and I were engaged." She smiled.

"You were supposed to get married?" Alec asked. "I'm almost certain I don't want to hear this story." He adds before one of them tries to speak.

"We were eight, it was love at first sight." Hope smiled at the memory. "And then Hope didn't want to share her taco so they had to get an annulment." Simon adds.

"You three are so weird." Alec said as Clary tried to open the door. Before Hope told her to leave it, Simon ripped the door from its hinges.

"After you." He held the door open for Clary and Hope. When Alec tried to go in he stopped him. "After me." Simon walked in.

The inside looked like a mess, like it was burnt down. "There's nothing left of me here." Clary looked around.

"Your mother probably wanted to erase you're existence so you couldn't he tracked. She was protecting." Alec explained as he stood behind her.

"Yeah, that worked perfectly." Clary sassed. "You're alive." Alec retorts when Simon calls them.

"A floorboard is loose." Hope lifted the board up with her nails.

"Out of the way." Alec stuck his hand in the hole, bending down and for the first time him and Hope were eye to eye.

"There's something down here." He mumbled to her. He took out a box and handed it to Clary before Hope helped him to his feet.

When Clary opens the box, Hope hears something moving or someone.

Alec seems to hear it too as they step between the door and where Clary and Simon are standing.

"Get what you need, don't move until I get back." Alec warns as both Clary and Simon hold Hope's hand.

"I'll go with, take this." Hope pulls a leaf shaped blade from her pocket, hands it to Clary.

"Take care of each other." She follows Hope out as they jump off the balcony.

Alec pulls out an arrow when someone grabs Hope, their hand on her mouth.

She kicks Alec to make him aware but he doesn't feel anything because he's too far.

Before she can kick the man, he breaks her neck and she falls to the ground.

When her body hits the ground Alec turns to her, running her way.

"Hope, what the hell?" He shakes her body, "Wake up." He slaps her cheek but she doesn't move.

When her eyes fly open they're red and she tries to catch her breath.

"Hope," he looks down at her in his arms as she touches her hand to her mouth.

"Alec, I'm sorry." She grabs his arm and sinks her teeth into it.

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