Chapter 4

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Authors Note

I am really bored right now so I thought that I should update again since I wont update for nearly a week later in the month. Anyways, please vote and comment.

Steph POV

I was quite surprised that I didn't have to get a shot but I still don't know yet so I am keeping my mouth shut about the shots.

Harry's POV

"Hey Steph, you need 2 vaccines so you have to be a big girl for me and then we will go for ice cream later. Deal?"

"NO please Haz" she says and runs towards the door. Surprisingly she's a really fast runner but couldn't go further because she ran straight into Niall who would be giving her shots and had the tray in his hand. Niall quickly picked her up and brought her to the exam room and put her on the bed where I put her in my lap. She was thrashing and screaming on top of her lungs. I put her legs between mine, her back facing my chest and I was holding her hand and saying soothing words in her ear. Zayn and the rest of the boys were making funny faces and trying to distract her from what was coming up.


Steph was a sobbing mess.

"Princess I will put the needle in on 3 ok?" Niall told her

She didn't answer so Niall took it as a yes and counted


"aaahhhhh"Steph screamed trying to get out of Harrys grip but he had a really tight grip on her. Niall quickly put the other one in too before she had a chance to reaact.

Harrys POV

I picked her up and calmed her down

"shhhhh. it's okay baby it's all over now..shhhhh needed it"I cooed

She calmed down after a while and we packed and went home. I took her in my room and out her down because she was sleeping. I pulled the covers up and laid down beside her. We fell into a peaceful sleep.


"OMG, I am so sick of you guys doing that" I said and got out of bad. I noticed that Steph wasn't there so I started panicking but before I spoke she came out of the bathroom. I thought someone took her.

"Steph what wrong?" as I saw that she looked really pale. Maybe she was running a fever or hiding something.

"Harry I didn't tell you all about my past" she said

I was surprised, how much can a six year old go through?

"Ok baby go on, tell me what you need to and no more secrets" I sternly but gently said.

She nodded and began.

Steph POV

"Ok Haz, when our parents were in the accident I was with them. I saw mom die right in front of me and I wish I could've done something but I was only 4 years old. Yes, I was abused for 2 years but I love you guys more than anything and you've earned my trust easily and quickly though I don' get why? Anyways, mom told me to tell you that she was really proud of you and that she loves you. Before that, she told me the same thing and she really wished that she could've been there and gave you a kiss. I should've told you this earlier but I couldn't so I am sorry" I told him as tears poured down both of our faces. We hugged eachother.

"Babe you are burning up. It must be because of the shot, just go and rest baby girl. Go" Harry told me as he kissed my forehead and gave me a little push.

Authors Note:

I know it's not long long but I will update tomorrow too probably. Dont forget to share this story with your friends.

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