Bake a Cookie

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Y.A.: The challenge for today is to bake a cookie you have 5 hours and if one team loses they have to vote off two people

With the Racers

Paintbrush: Ok if we want to win we ne- Coco

Coco: *Drinking The Milk* What

Paintbrush: *Angry* that was our milk Coco

Coco: I was thirsty Paintbrush

Bot: I have a idea

Coco: What's the- *Gets cracked by bot* There we have "Coco"nut Milk now

Lightbulb: But that was Coco

Paintbrush: So what I don't Like him anyway

They make the cookies

With The New Brights

Gelatin: Ok let's get the Yoyle Berries and the Milk

Fan: Ok I don't wanna lose again

Lollipop: Ok let's bake the food

Y.A.: You Guys are done I'ma try The Racers First *Chomp* Has a allergic reaction this has coconut also where is coco wait did you guys kill them

Paintbrush: Well they drunk the milk so we used his milk

Y.A.: 0/10 Next is The New Brights *Chomps* Pretty Good I like the cinnamon 7/10 The New Brights win

Y.A.: Ok guys you are all up for elimination

Lightbulb: Paintbrush could have gotten more milk

OJ and Paper: We Aggre with Lightbulb

Bubble: Bot Killed Coco so Bot

Coco: Bot Killed me so her

Pizza: Bot

Y.A.: A tie well I guess we need to a tie breaker. The tie breaker is to break a tie *bot breaks the tie in seconds* Paintbrush is out of here goodbye

You are the last of the Racers:
Oj, Paper, Bubble, Lightbulb, Coco, Bot, and Pizza

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