Chapter 4

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The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. I trained by myself in the gym for a couple hours and when it came to dinner we were all back at the dining room table. Except for Ghost.

"Where's Ghost?" Price asks.

I give I slight glance up at him, when Soap answers, "I heard him in his room."

"Well he knows there's food, he can come and grab it when he wants," Price says. 

Was he not coming to eat because of me? He was the one who engaged things. I picked at my chicken sitting on my plate next to my now cold broccoli. Was he embarrassed about what happened? Or maybe now he's trying to keep a distance to try to keep his remaining professionalism? Who knows.

Keegan nudged my arm, "don't like chicken?" He asks with a slight smile.

"Oh. No, I like it," as I pick up the chicken and take a bite. Putting it back down, I raised my beer, "thanks for cooking tonight Price," I say as I take a sip.

The rest of the group do a similar thanks, receiving a nod in return. 

"So, Stinger..." Gaz speaks, "why'd they call you Panther before?" He asks as he continues to eat his dinner.

"Price told ya when I got off the plane; I was quiet and sneaky." I respond.

"Yeah, but why were you given the name? Like what did you do?" He asks inquisitively. 

"Uhm..." I don't speak for a second, trying to think of an example. One that doesn't make me seem insane.

"Don't need to pressure her at dinner," Price says, with the thoughts of how he shared too much the first time you came to the base, feeling slightly sympathetic. 

"No it's fine," I interrupt, "Just trying to think." I put my fork down and put my hands in my lap, slowly leaning back as I try to think. "Well I guess the best example I could give you was when I first started in the army, like 7 or 8 years back, it was only on my second mission when I was kind of put on the spot by my superior. I just wasn't really mentally prepared for certain missions yet, but he kind of pushed me to it," I say continuing, "most of my team was in another building, while myself and one of my team mates were put to a smaller building. Only two of us since it was supposed to be empty, and when I went around the back and him the front, only his movements were noticed, his fires noticed when we came into the building that had at least a couple men in basically every room. Every movement of mine was unnoticed to the enemy. " I lean my arms against the table, "first off, my gun was suppressed, so that helped when I had to use it, but for the most part, I guess you could say it was me silently creeping up to every man that had their back turned to me, when they were paying attention to the loud noise at the front. I would creep up and quickly break their necks if there were only a couple in a room, but if there were more, it would only take a second for them to realize me as I would kill the one's closest to me with my knife, and the ones further with my gun." I look up seeing everyone eyeing me, "I guess you could say I got the name because I was unnoticed and finished them quickly. Or as some others would say, I got the name because once I finished clearing the building, I startled my team mate as he didn't even hear me approach. Let alone take all those men out." I sigh as I shrug my shoulders, indicating I was finished. 

"No one noticed you the whole time?" Alejandro asks.

"I don't think so. If they did it's only because they felt a hand on their necks." I say with a smirk.

"Sick" Soap says reaching across the table to give me a fist bump, which I reciprocate and the rest of the table gives a slight chuckle. 

"'Kay you and I have got to spar next," Alejandro says pointing a joking finger at me. "After all, seeing Ghost look like that after you finished with him makes me think you're a good challenge," he says with a hearty chuckle. 

Ménage à trois | Ghost x König x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now