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Lena's POV

Emma has been coming around my office for the past 2 months. It was very heartwarming and a nice reprieve from the chaos of life. I found myself observing Emma closer everyday. Her smile was infectious and her beauty was impossible to ignore. Hailey was right, I have a tiny crush on the girl. I know she's young, but I'm willing to try. 18 year old... same as my granddaughters... I'll just stop thinking about her age.

Emma exclaimed as she killed me. I was beyond confused about this game, but if it satisfies Emma, then whatever. I chuckled as she did a victory dance. What even is Among Us? This game relies on betraying the trust of others and killing your cabin mates. It's dumb, but I can understand the appeal.

Emma and I were discussing things about our lives. I gave her a brief high level overview about my marriages. It was painful to bring up Tadgh even if I didn't mention him by name. I struggled, but didn't crack and kept my composure when discussing Joaquin. It did irk me that she assumed he was nice, but I didn't reveal to her about his abusive ways, so I can't fault her.

I got to know more about her and that her interest in science stemmed from a young age. The topic of her graduating was brought up. I was happy at the prospect of her attending University of Maryland and what she intended to do with her life. I planned to get her a graduation present. While I was thinking about a present, she dropped an atomic bomb on me.

"I have to be 18 to be an adult. I barely turned 16."

My brain short circuited at her words. 16? 16?? Six-fucking-teen! Holy shit! This girl is majorly underage. Oh no. Oh no. I have a minor in my office. People at the office place have spread rumors that we're sleeping together. Do they know she's 16? Because if they do, this could complicate things in my life. I'd be arrested and questioned and I'd be shoved into the public eye and my vampiric nature could be exposed and my kids... I took a deep breath and chugged the rest of my scotch.

Emma was confused why the sudden tension. I stood and told her that I'd be dropping her off. Yes, the drive was awkward, but I needed to get her as far from me as possible. The ride ended on a sour note with her stating that I planned to push her away. I tried to deny it, but she wasn't stupid. She slammed the car door closed and walked to her house.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes to center myself. I looked at her front door and felt myself shaking. Of course, I'd have feelings for a minor. A child! Fuck! I slapped my steering wheel. I quickly drive to my condo and found Hailey within seconds.

"Lee, what do you think of my nails-"

"You knew." I rounded on her.

"Knew what?" She furrowed her brows.

"You knew Emma's age." I angrily stared at her. Hailey sighed and hung her head. "And still encouraged me?! Hailey, she's a child!"


"Why didn't you tell me the truth?!"

"Because I knew if I told you, then you'd have built your walls up even higher. You'd completely reject the idea of love."

"She's a minor, Hailey." I seriously spoke. "I could be arrested for this shit."

"You know 16 is the age of consent in certain states including Maryland." She pompously stated.

"In Maryland, the younger partner is deemed able to consent to having sex with an older one as long as the latter is not in a position of trust or authority, or is not recognised to be abusing the inexperience of the younger one. I believe the jury would have a field day with me." I spoke through gritted teeth.

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