Explanation/ Inspiration Reveal

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Hey all! Hope you all enjoyed the book and reading a different perspective on Lena. There were just a few things I wanted to say because people have always asked me about what sparked my inspiration for the Gun to My Head series.

So not sure if you guys were aware... the entire series started out as a Supergirl fanfiction 😂 😂I'm not sure if anyone managed to pick that up lol. I originally wrote it that Alec and Lara were Kara and Lena's biological twin children. Lara's name was also going to be either Lorelei (Lori) or Keira. Now, Lara and Alec's personalities are how I imagined them to be in the fanfiction. Lara was supposed to be the aloof party girl who is a notorious playgirl. Yet, she's insanely smart, but downplays her intelligence. And there'd be a few times where you'd be able to see that her intelligence rivals Lena's. And Alec was supposed to be more serious and hardworking and reliable. He was also supposed to be a gifted autistic person.

The whole Lara and Mila thing was a little stretched from my original idea. Mila was supposed to be an FBI agent and Lara was supposed to know that from day one. Mila being a spy wasn't a thing and she was open about what she planned to do and how her intention was to put Lara and her entire family behind bars. The two of them would then butt heads because of Lara intentionally vexing Mila and making her job more difficult. Similar to how Lucifer and Chloe operate. And Alec and Lena would be irritated that Lara was toying with an FBI agent. The two would then fall in love and Mila would have difficulty continuing her job and ultimately close the case even though she found criminal activity.

Now for Alec... I imagined his relationship with Sophie to be identical to Lena and Emma's. Sophie was supposed to be an employee at the company who had her ideas stolen/ overshadowed by her boss. Her boss always took credit and one time he stuttered and couldn't answer a technical question during a meeting, so Sophie jumped in and saved him. Alec took notice and developed an interest in Sophie because she mentally stimulated him. And the whole issues Emma faced with the employees being jealous and starting rumors, was supposed to be Sophie's experience. Her dad was also supposed to be a governor that disagreed with superheroes and Supergirl as a whole. And that was supposed to make their relationship interesting. Her father also hated the Luthors, so he was strongly against their relationship.

Alec and Lara would have the same powers as supergirl, but chose not to become superheroes. The twins didn't really use their powers and would wear kryptonite rings to lessen their powers/ safely weaken their bodies. They preferred to fight through their scientific pursuits rather than being physical, so they'd use their intelligence to help the DEO and supergirl fight the enemy. They'd occasionally suit up to help Kara when she was in dire need, but mostly communicated with her at the DEO. Or they'd help create products along with Lena and Brainy to assist Kara.

Lara was always meant to to have a complex relationship with Lena, yet be close to Kara. Part of the tension stemmed when Lena sent Alec and Lara away to a boarding school in England. Lara felt like her mother didn't want her, but Lena wanted the best for her kids' education. As well as she was trying to put as much distance between them and Lex Luthor as possible. However, their relationship was also rocky because Lena viewed Lara as lazy and was annoyed by her playgirl attitude. Alec was supposed to be closer to Lena since she could always rely on him for business. But, that wasn't to say he wasn't close to Kara as well.

But, ya! This entire series was meant to be a supergirl fanfic ahaha 🤣 

And again, hope you all enjoyed the series and thanks for reading and commenting! I genuinely appreciate it 😃 

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