no... (tyde)

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Angst and fluff bitch 🥰I need to go kms 1100 words

. _._._.. _._._._._._.. _._._._._._.. _._._._._._.. _.

Clyde's pov :

It's been almost 3 years since me and token have been together... Or that's what I thought before I looked at the calendar

When I looked it was officially 3 years since we've been was our anniversary

Not going to lie I kinda hoped he remembered he's not the same as when we started dating but thats ok! I still have his whole heart and he has my entire body

I don't regret anything when it comes to dating him, he's perfect! He's hot , nice, cool, can cook and sexy as hell but I think he doesn't think the same as me...

Has he distanced himself from me? Yeah has he forgotten stuff like my birthday? Yes has he ever messaged me without me messaging first? Yea...

Still my dumbass thought he would remember... I know I'll surprise him by spending time with him today

Token pov

I woke up like normal and started getting ready like a normal day

Until as I was brushing my teeth I heard a knock on my door

I went  to open it to see Clyde standing there with a bunch of flowers

Oh no I forgot something again didn't I... What is? 1 year of him not crying...

" surprise hun! " he yelled hugging me no matter what not beats a Clyde hug

" happy 3 year anniversary together " he said handing me the flowers

Ohhh year... Our anniversary....

Clyde Pov

I could see he now woke up but he still looks handsome like always

" today we are going to spend some time together! " I said happily but he looked like he could not care less... That's ok!

" first put on proper pants we're going to the park for a nice walk " I said following him inside as he just sighed softly

I sat on the couch waiting for token before I saw a message

CRAIG : dude happy 3 year anniversary with token, congrats

CLYDE : thanks dude! He kinda forgot but that's fineee!

CRAIG : dude- are you fucking color blind? Is that not a red flag to you?

CLYDE : Craig I don't know what the ass your talking about well got to go bye

CRAIG : oh my goodness Clyde...

Craig is just being silly I will love him to the end! For ever and ever till the very end!

I saw token some out of his room and we left and he locked his door and we walked to the park

We were both quiet and didn't speak a word but I took his hand while we walked to the park

When we got there my hand slipped out of his and I tripped on a rock and fell on he ground fave first that really hurt...

" Clyde... You ok " token asked helping me up "mmhm " I said dusting my hands out to feel a scratch on my cheek

" is there a mark on my cheek? " I asked and token nodded yes slowly

"Oh... " I said continuing to walk with token , I feel kinda sad how things changed between us but that's when it hit me... What if he doesn't love me anymore...?

" token...? " I whispered getting his attention " yes? " he responded

" do you... Do you not love me anymore...? "

Token pov

Do I not love him anymore...? I heard him ask

I stopped making him stop too I was lost for words I felt him let go of my hand

I looked in his glassy eyes to see tears forming oh no...

"  it's- it's true... Isn't it" he said wiping his eyes with sad frown on his face, and he's wrong

I love him I really do! I'm just not used to being in a clingy relationship

I saw him turn around and start walking off no no no no this is all my fault

I catch up to him and grabbed his hand " Clyde... Wait no, that's not true you know I love you " I said while more tears flowed down his cheek

" I was the asshole I'm sorry Clyde, im sorry I made u feel that way, I really am " I added and pulled him in hugging him

To my surprise he hugged back . I feel like a horrible bf I'm gonna change from today!

While walking back to his apartment I put my arm around his shoulder and I could tell he was getting back to his happy mood

When we arrived and he opened his door I sat on the couch and I had put the tv on

He sat down next to me and I pulled him closer for a bit before laying down on the couch making him do the same

We enjoyed our movie and it was honestly really fun and I enjoyed myself seeing him happy again

I looked at the time to see it was already 11:32 pm and I said " you can go to bed love, I'll sleep here" and saw he was a bit confused for some reason

" here? No you can sleep with me" I nodded yes and followed him to his bed and he laid down and I went next to him wrapping my arms and legs around him

" nite token " I heard him whisper

" night love, happy anniversary " I added before we both fell asleep

Clyde pov

Token seemed to change his entire mind set after what happened in the park

We watched movies and cuddles most of the night and next morning I woke up to see token wasn't next to me... Did he leave?

I walked out of my room to get hit by a delicious sent of breakfast

Looks like someone was making me breakfast yay

I sat by the table in the kitchen to see a variety of different breakfast foods like toast, cereal, pancakes and more he really out did himself

" morning " I said rubbing my eyes " hey morning I cooked us breakfast! " token said happily kissing my forehead

He pulled a chair next to me and we both enjoyed breakfast together... This morning was amazing

I could tell he's trying his best to be a better boyfriend and honestly he's doing a great job.

" I love you token! " I said after finishing my amazing breakfast

" I love you too hun " he said grabbing my plate and putting it in the sink and started washing the

" did you sleep well? " he asked " you know I did " I responded as I thought to myself

This year is really taking a turn after all why would you look at that.

south Park One Shot( Mostly Smut-)🐛under editing.🐛Where stories live. Discover now