✔u like her ( tyde,scyde)

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hello amber hereeee 

i just wanted to say that i will be writing over all my stories in order so if you see this after June the 1st just know i have edited this, and if you don't wanna read this don't just skip this part

. im not really in the south park fandom as much as i was like 3 months ago and all these stories put me to shame as i read them over. i am 14 and im not the best at writing but im trying and im not as much as a tyde shipper as i was too i more swing for the scyde side but i will still write about it i just dont read fanfiction as i did before.

im sorry if you liked these stories as they were before {which if you did please get help} but i cant get this stuff out my head so im fixing it.

enjoy or at least thanks for reading this.

clydes pov.

i stared at the mush identified as 'food' in the cafeteria before i heard craig mumble "wait a minute, clyde, clyde donovan? not eating?'' jokingly as he nudged my shoulder getting everyone's attention from the table.

it was only tweek,tolkien,craig,jimmy and i, "you alright?" Tolkien asked smiling sympathetically."just...not hungry," i replied with an unconvincing smile, i wasn't necessarily hungry but there were things going on in my mind.

to start of, this morning at math i walked in class with jimmy and sat in a desk by myself waiting for Tolkien, but when he walked in, he sat next to his girlfriend who i have nothing against! it just made sense that he would sit with her instead of me....which was why i had to sit alone most of math before someone made it late to class and sat next to me so i wasn't completely alone it was an old friend so at least it wasn't a complete stranger.

and then at English he completely ignored me when i sat next to him and started reading a book which is fine and dandy, except then i got really bored because we weren't even talking until he asked if i was alright,last semester i established that i liked Tolkien but he was straight, i mean why would he be interested in me, right? and why would i be interested in him?!i was snapped out of my thoughts by hearing a quiet gasp of disbelief from tweek, "what? what did i miss?"i ask looking towards him curiously.

"dude bell r-rang like five minutes ago!" tweek said as i nodded walking out, i walked into the art room to see Tolkien with his girlfriend,i sighed sitting down next to the same guy from math class, "hey clythe" he whispered he had a lisp which i couldn't tell if i found annoying or unique"yeah scott?" i responded smiling at him as he asked "we have an assignment to do, wanna parthner up?" i smiled and nodded agreeing, he handed me a pencil and paper which i took and quickly drew a picture, scott asked if i needed any help drawing anything else "nope, these are the first two things i came up with today, I've been drawing since i woke up" i informed him handing the picture over as he just nodded slowly.

he told me his name was scott (which i already knew from before), he said he was in the theater group which i already knew too as i heard from jimmy who was also in the theater group, and he said he liked to draw a lot so i didn't need to pay him much attention as he showed me more of his work, i could see a lot of potential in this guy, i mean besides his voice, he seemed pretty fine to me, he had curly milky brown hair, freckles and green eyes, but he also doesn't give off the vibe of being a player as he seems kind and caring.and maybe it was the fact that he was one of the only people in the whole school that i felt comfortable around even though we never really spoke, or maybe i was just feeling lonely because of my jealousy for Tolkien and his girl who i wish i was.

"is something on your mind" scott asked leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, i blinked staring at him for a few moments trying to figure out how to answer his question without revealing anything incriminating about me so i just shook my head "nah, i'm good just spaced out for a second," i lied hoping he bought my lie and that we wouldn't have to speak again. scott looked at me for a few seconds before saying goodbye, i waved at him before turning back around and say craig and tweek waiting for me.

"hanging out with malkinson now i see?" craig asks grinning while i rolled my eyes,"oh shut up,you dont know what your talking about " i scoffed crossing my arms over my chest, he chuckled before we bumped into Tolkien and jimmy as we exited the school, ''hey clyde wanna come over is Nichole busy tonight'' Tolkien offered,as i just said sure as we walked to his house which wasn't far from the school.

"sorry we don't speak as much as we used to, I've been busy with Nichole" Tolkien explained, i nodded understandingly before they opened the front door, i followed them inside, after Tolkien closed the door he turned to look at me "I finally got a new game, wanna test it?" he asked excitedly, i grinned nodding my head vigorously before he went to grab some pieces from his game console and i headed towards his room where he usually left his games.

after a while of playing i heard my phone ring "hello" i answered picking up my phone, "hey,is this clythe?" i quickly recognized the lisp,it was scott, i smiled before answering "oh yeah it is, how did you get my number?" i asked before Tolkien paused the game as scott replied "i asked jimmy for it,sorry i should have asthed"i laughed "it's fine, im at Tolkien's house right now can i message later?" scott replied "sure" before hanging up, i put down the phone before looking at Tolkien.

we played for a while but i felt myself not wanting to be too close with him, not like it was his fault i just felt myself not feeling the spark i was feeling for him that i felt for so long, i guess it was just me finally moving one, i suppose if he ever were to confess to me in any way like if he said "i like you" i would obviously say 'i like you to' but i know that would never happen because you like her. 


south Park One Shot( Mostly Smut-)🐛under editing.🐛Where stories live. Discover now