Author's Note (AKA Closing Thoughts)

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What. A. Ride.

Let me just say, I was overly excited (over the moon!) to have written this and have it develop into what you all have been reading. I don't know what it was, but something sparked the idea. And then it snowballed into characters and plot points and plot twists! And then BAM, the story was complete, and then given a title. And now, here it is, complete after being started on March 10, 2015, otherwise known as Bucky Barnes' (98th?) birthday!

I am eternally grateful for everyone who's ever considered this book. I'm thankful for all the readers this book has gotten, and I especially adore some of the comments this has received (some insightful and others just plain hilarious). I would name users, but I feel I would miss a few. But if you're reading this, you know who you are. :)

Like I have mentioned before, Danielle's story (and Bucky's, and everybody else's) ends here. No sequel. The alternate ending was as much as I wanted to write past the original ending of this book.

If you're graphically talented and you really love the Ducky ship, send in some fanart! (I would make some myself but I'm not graphic savvy, at all)

One last thing: Long live Ducky, now and forever <33

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