Part 2

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Once again, you stood in front of the Captain's quarters with your back ramrod straight and your hands clasped dutifully behind your back. It was like déjà vu from yesterday, but now everything felt different. The mortifying events of the day had you nervous on a whole new level this time.

You had redressed back in your feminine version of the Star Fleet uniform and made your way here without allowing yourself to think about it. But the distance you created between your thoughts and your overflowing nerves had closed the second you rang the doorbell.

Captain Pike beckoned you from inside this time. "Come in."

The door slid open and you willed your legs to carry you inside.

He was standing behind his bar, still wearing his striking gold and black command uniform. He held out a drink for you. "Tonic for the nerves?" he asked knowingly.

Knowingly, and a touch slyly.

Damn sly silver fox.

Your eyes snapped down from his blue eyes to the clear drink in his hand. You took the glass while being careful not to touch his hand, lest it cause your arousal to take you by storm again. "Thank you, sir."

You drank the spirits in one gulp and set the empty glass down on the bar. When you dared to meet his eyes again, he looked amused.

You forgot yourself. You snapped back to attention with your hands clasped behind your back. "You asked to see me, Captain?"

"Yeah, I sure did." He echoed his words from this morning. "At ease Ensign Y/N. Consider us both off duty for this meeting, off the record."

"Aye sir." You let your shoulders drop ever so slightly. You slowly unclasped your hands from behind your back and let them relax at your sides as if to signal that you were at ease, even though chiming 'aye sir' like a military pet went against that.

It was not the first time he had ordered you to be at ease in his quarters, but it had only happened before when other people were in the room too. You were here for some informal meetings and dinner parties and the like.

For some strange reason though, you couldn't seem to fully relax this time. Big mystery that.

Your illustrious Captain refilled your empty glass and then circled around the bar over to you as he spoke, "I just wanted to make sure that you're okay, and I also wanted to congratulate you on a damn good job today."

You bit your lip and forced your eyes to lift from the floor. "I-I'm fine sir. Just embarrassed. Dr. M'Benga assured me that I can't die from it." You joked softly.

He chuckled and handed you the new drink. You decided to only nurse it this time.

"I really mean it Y/N, you were fantastic today."

He was right in front of you now, and his closeness made you unbearably hot all over again. He was much taller than you, a fact that made you imagine all the ways he could easily manhandle you. "Thank you, Captain. It didn't feel like it from my perspective."

"Hell, I think you saved that whole alliance. With all due respect to Cadet Uhura, if she was in your place today...she would have smacked that Ambassador in the face."

You laughed. "And she would have probably been right to."

"Watching you adapt to the...wildly inappropriate twists and turns of that meeting was like watching a marvel. You are just... you blow me away."

Your eyes probably widened a tad before you realized it. You blow him away. Like present tense. As in you were still blowing him currently away, like not just in the meeting where you blew him...Oh my god stop that train of thought immediately. "I-I think I was just lucky, sir."

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