February 17th

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My once docile dorm hallway  had erupted into chatter, I could hear soft gasps and disgruntled groaning.

I rushed into the bathroom, tearing off my pajamas, turning the water on to the highest setting.
I sat there naked, praying the water would be at least lukewarm.

A key jingled in the door, and with a heavy creak from the door frame, the door opened.

It was Kori, my best friend of three years.
I still stood there naked and called from the bathroom.

"Kori? You never wake up this early. What's up?"

"Can I come in?"  she asked

I ducked into the shower "Yes"

" There's a new student transferring in today's. Everyone's talking about it. Apparently, she has a modified uniform?" She spat

I massaged my scalp
" A new student transferring in 2 months into the school year? That doesn't even make sense, "  I questioned

" Right?! she's moving into the dorm just down the hallway across from my room, and everyone's, I guess, sizing her up or some shit" she grumbled

" Ugh, this happens everytime a transfer comes, I really dont get the intrest " I moaned

" Well, I'm going to lay down on your bed,"  Kori called

I heard her walking away.

I wrapped myself in a towel tightly and went back out to my main room.

It was a clean crisp room with nauseating white walls finished with  wood  details.  The only decorative items of mine were photo string complete with embarrassing pictures of myself and all of my friends, a small light taped onto the head of my wooden bed, and a clothing rack.

With Kori planted  face first into my pillows I got dressed in the standard uniform.
A button up with a solid black pleated skirt. With an optional  creme colored  sweater with the school logo stitched into it.

After I was dressed I ploped onto the bed with Kori discussing the upcoming test in English.

She was nervous I could tell. 

I teased her in an attempt to cheer her up by frowning at her and drawing a fake tear with my finger.

She pushed me and laughed I smiled tripping a little bit off the bed.

That's when I noticed Kori wasn't in uniform yet.

I in response hounded Kori back to her room to put on her uniform and grab something for her to eat.

She swung the door open and I took a seat at the door nodding and waving at a few passing students.

I was the homework  girl, most everyone in every school knew who that was.

That's when I saw an unfamiliar face, I did a double take and sure enough when she looked at me no recognition flashed.

The transfer

I choked at the sight of her balling uo my sweater in my hand . She was carrying a large box with some small mismatch items piled on top.

She walked down the hall confidently. Her tattooed hands stuck out against the cardboard moving boxes.

I couldn't peel my eyes away from her. I was stuck there staring for I don't even know how long.

I noted that Kori was telling the truth about the modified uniform, not only was it modified she wasn't even wearing all of it.
She was dressed in black slacks buttoned just bellow her belly button, and a creme colored knitted vest with the school logo resting on the breastplate. 

I let out a noise, a tiny noise, which brought all her attention towards me.

Something inside me hitched, time stopped , and my face felt hot.

I sat there like a deer in headlights deep I'm an  intense staring contest with the transfer.

She broke eye contact first. Her light brown eyes were trailing down and connected back with my eyes.

Her mouth twisted up into a Cocky grin.

Oh, please keep doing that. I thought 

" What the are you looking at?"  She spoke
I crashed out of the seat I was perched on, now standing in the hallway closer to her.
"Nothing. I wanted to help. Your carrying a lot  is all, but if you have time to make remarks like that, it seems like you've got it.  "  I  sneered  back

Her grin looked more devilish now,  she took a few more steps, so she was next to me.  Leaning down a tiny bit
" Oh I've got it just fine, doll," she whispered directly at me

"Exuse me?" I choked out  my entire face red now.

She didn't reply she just strutted into her room.

I craned my neck to get a better view of her.
She was tall with dark brown hair resting  on one of her  shoulders

She stretched the vest going up with her shoulders. The wind in my lungs escaped me. 

"Flora? Whats up with the face" Kori said with a questioning look

I didn't bring my eyes away from her

"What face" I breathed

"All the redness going on?"

I shook my head retreating back into Koris room.

" Nothing" I said more confidently this time
I peered over one last time, she was delicately placing things onto a built in shelf in the wall.
Her eyes squinted just barely just enough for me to notice.
Behind her the electric alarm clock read

8:20 AM

" Oh fuck Kori! We need to go right now or we're gonna be late" I swore

" Oh shit"
I grabbed her arm and took off out of the dork wing.
We passed some students but not enough to where it was comforting.

We sprinted into the honors hall and plopped quickly into our seats.

That fucking transfer

HEY YALL I hope ur liking it I'll update a good bit but not too often so stayed tuned

Stay safe <3

February 17th Where stories live. Discover now