Lights out

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The door lead out of the back of the facility. The brick of the courtyard loomed next to me.

I flung my bag over my shoulder, walking against the brick wall.

Eventually, I ripped off my sweater, leaving only my button-up and skirt. My feet dragged, and I was sweating like crazy.
There was a solice in the silence. I dropped my bag, then myself onto the ground beside the brick wall.

My head tilted back, and my eyes closed.

My eyes closed.

A firm hand on my shoulder woke me up.
I jumped, my mouth gaped immediately jumping to my feet.
"Fuck I fell asleep" I gasped
I turned
The transfer was standing there with a face as anxious as mine.
I shot her a questioning look 
"What? How did you find me here? Why are you here?" I questioned

" Look I know this is weird, but there is an emergency and there's no one in the dorm, and I saw you this morning please come with me" she said a little too fast

Before I could respond she took my wrist in her hand and took off. I stumbled at first trying to keep up with her.

I snatched my wrist away, but followed close behind. She continued on into the dorms, me close behind.

When we crossed through the threshold I could tell what was wrong. The lights were out.

I stumbled In first she hung out behind me. I whipped around to look at her shooting a annoyed questioning look at her.

She must of picked up on my annoyance because she responded in a harsh tone

" I was unpacking my stuff and the breaker tripped, I don't know where the fuse box is so I went to find someone to help" 

I processed what she said for a second.

" I think I know where it is" I said

" Can you lead me to it?" She lead

" I think so," I said
With that her hand landed back o to its position on my wrist.
The touch burned, and my attitude worsened.
I had to be the one she found? This is just great. Anyone else would have been jumping and cheering to do it.

It was completely pitch black, the halls  and groves of the dorm building completely hidden.

I gulped.

I pushed myself deeper into the hall, a gentle touch on my wrist was the only thing making aware that the transfer was still there.

My face went hot again. I took more deliberate rough steps in attempt to indirectly shake my wrist from her grip.

" Wait, we should go to my room. I still have my phone with me" she said in a husky voice

I tensed, shivering slightly.

"Ok" I managed to breathe out

She let out a tiny scoff

I whipped my head around "Whats so funny?" Venom dripped off of the words

She went silent, but her presence hardened, an awkward silence fell.

From my memory I navigated the building far enough to koris room.

The transfer was now in front of me pulling my wrist softly. The skin was raised with goosebumps and the continuous rubbing wasn't helping.

We entered her room, it felt wrong, dirty . She broke her hand away from my wrist. I immediately took the now free wrist into my opposite hand rubbing irritated circles around the circumference.

I squinted my eyes at the bright ball of blue light floating in the transfers' hands.

The light was entirely on her right now.

Her hair was messily pulled into a bun on her head. My eyes traveled down her face, the nape of her neck, her hands holding the phone, her body.

She had changed into a low cut cropped tank top  and loose shorts. Her abs on full display held up by equally toned
Long..... legs.

No I am not checking her out right now. Fuck.

I diverted my gaze quickly back to her face, which now was plastered with an ugly smirk.

My face got hot.

I bit my lip.

God I hate her.

" Like what you see doll?" She sneered

Doll a fucking doll thats how she saw me

I let out a stiff chuckle "as if I'd ever be attracted to someone like you"

Her face went cold, my blood went freezing.

Every once of humor was gone from her voice " where's the fuse box.....?"

"What?" I snapped

"I don't know your name"  she snapped back

"Flora" I said simply and turned on my heels

She followed behind me pointing the light on me Like a spot light.

Tugging on my skirt I raised an arm to the utility closet close to the dining hall.

She roughly pushed past me placing her phone in my hands.

I stood behind her pointing the light in the direction of the fuse box.

"Your gonna need to get a little closer doll"

My skin seared at the use of the nick name.

I slowly crept toward her, shifting slightly to the side of her so the phone light was focused on her hands.

I stared at her nimble fingers, then at the focused look on her face. Her eyes squinted.

Her hand suddenly went down, I followed with my eyes.

She pulled out a pair of glasses out of her short pocket. Black rimmed and fancy.  They fit her face well, accentuating all the right parts.


My name coming out of her mouth felt like a sin

"Come here"

I inched closer, carefully keeping the flashlight tucked in my hand.

Her eyes remained fixed on the fuse box.

" I need you to hold this button so I can pull the switch, can you do that?" The words were cold and downright condescending.

"Yes of course I can why couldn't i?"

"Cause your gonna have to get right here" she sneered gesturing right in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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