The Family freind

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The classrooms were all college style, a large wooden bleacher set up with a seat desk.
"Mrs. Harper. Mrs. Valetine? Would you care to explain your tardiness?" she screamed at us from the teachers divit in the front of the room.
We both  apologized and explained we were getting something to eat and lost track of time.
she accepted the excuse, scribbling down something in her private notebook.
Though nobody was entirely focused on history. Everyone was talking about the transfer.

If only they knew she a cocky stuck up snob, the thought of her made my blood hot.

Kori had now joined in on the transfer conversation. I bit my tongue, listening in on the conversation.

"Well she's moving into the dorm across from mine I got a full view this morning" she bragged,
she's  always been one to treat her experiences like a metal. Everyone wanted the shiny, new, metal

Girls and guys faces twisted into intrigue

A slurry of

"Woah!!! Whatt?"


"Whatd she look like?"


Were said.

Everyone was so engrossed in the conversation that nobody noticed when I let out an auditable scoff.

All the classes were buzzing about this new transfer. Each class was a new level of annoyance.

Everything about this new girl infuriated me.

People were coming up with elaborate ideas about how and why she was here.

Though one boy in my literature class  went around all class exclaiming the transfer was a family friend of the head mistress.

" She was accepted into here to help straighten her out you see! I was there when she was registering! The head mistress knew her i could tell, and i mean it makes perfect sense have you seen those tattoos?" He said at me.

My mind flashed back to her tattooed hand clutching the box.

It would make perfect sense

I kept a straight face and just shewed him away as if I didn't listen. I did. I couldn't help but listen.

That did it, now I'm fuming.

Her being a family freind of the head mistress just made me infuriated.
That must be  how she got the adjusted uniform.

I had to work my entire middle and elementary school carrier to get into this school. She just got to cause problems and slid right into the full ride?

Most kids in the school were rich, extremely rich. There were two choices

Pay the tuition every year

Or get a full academic scholarship. The requirements extremely Selective, only accounting for around one percent of the entire schools admissions.

I had worked for years to get that scholarship. Years. There wasn't one day I wasn't studying. It made me extremely stressed out about my grades, and my attendance.

The day my application came back accepted was one of the best days of my life.

I worked that hard and she got to weasel her way in for doing the exact opposite?

My leg shook the entire table, and still no reaction. I took a breath.

The lunch bell rung and I stormed out of the class and went down the corridor furthest away from the lunchroom.

I ducked a few imventational  waves, I was too annoyed to be around anyone right now.

A sweet looking teacher passed me and muttered
" Hey Flora where are you going sweetie?"
I flashed her an anxious smile " I'm going for a walk I need to clear my head" I answered more honestly then I Intended to.
She nodded and kind of flicked her head as a 'go ahead'
I let out a small gust of air I had caught in my throat.

My shoes clicked rhythmically on the hard wood. My head cleared slightly

A bright red light illuminated at the top of the hall. An exit.

I walked mindlessly up to it, pushing slightly testing it. The door opened without problem.
A small sliver of sunlight showed through and no alarm sounded.
I tried once more. A metal shrill.

I flew back, flinging my head in all directions. Nothing came from it. The hallways were silent for the first time today.

I pushed the door open just enough for me to grab my bag and slip through.

What's she gonna get herself into??????

Stay safe <3

February 17th Where stories live. Discover now