lil mabu

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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚'𝐬

"ugh daddy, i love my new car" i say admiring the bright yellow jeep wrangler that sits in our garage that i received for my sixteenth birthday. "of course darling, only the best for my girl" he smiles giving me a kiss on my head and leaving the garage. i've always lived with my mom growing up. it was terrible, she was on drugs really bad and it was just a bad environment for any child to be in. so when i was thirteen my dad took custody of me and i got to live with him . that's why i'm not affected when kids at my school call me spoiled or daddy's girl. plus most of the people there were white pricks who were spoiled themselves. it's probably because they've never seen a non-underprivledged black girl, which is one thing i miss in the hood is that at least the boys there knew what raw love was. of course i never had enough time for boys as i was taking care of my mother all the time. these boys here in carolina were just stuck up assholes who seen nothing but free sex when they seen me, of course i was nothing like that i've never even slept with a single boy let alone any boys here. but enough of my ranting, i start to get thirsty so i go into the kitchen to make some juice. as i'm doing so i hear tire streaks and alot of noise coming from outside, i go outside to see what all the ruckus is about. when i step outside i see two moving trucks, but no one lived next door so someone was obviously moving in. i hated people so i just went back inside and didn't bother greeting them. "daddy!" i yell from the bottom of the stairs "yes, honey?" he yells back "did you know we had new neighbors?" , "oh yes, the deluca's next door, i invited them over for dinner" . great now i'm being forced to meet new people "okay" i yell up afterwards going to the window to scope out these weirdo deluca's. i couldn't really see much. i seen a blonde woman and a skinny white boy in a wife beater he looked kind of cute not gonna lie but i wasn't interested. i go upstairs and get ready because i at least wanted to look presentable for tonight.


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"no worries , i coming!" my father says going to get the door as i finish setting the table "hey denzel, nice to meet you all" he says shaking there hands "oh and this is my daughter , y/n . c'mon hun , don't be a stranger" he jokes beckoning me to come greet our guests . so of course i do so . "hi" i say smiling , but for some reason my eyes land on the tall skinny white boy with ripped jeans , a white tee , and air forces . now i'm not one to judge but what the fuck these ghetto ass people doing in this neighborhood ? we all find a seat at the table and for some odd reason this white boy just so happens to pick the seat next to mine . "so where are you guys from?" my dad asks the deluca's "new york" matthew says "i'm from there too" i smile at him "um actually matthew is from new york , me and my husband are from britain ." matthew's mom begins "oh my god" i hear the pretty eyed white boy mumble under his breath while rubbing his temples . "he was born in new york but raised in britain" , "ah well that explains the accent" my dad laughs uncomfortably . "yes . we just recently moved to new york three years ago but the youth was in terrible endangerment , they were exposed to things like alcoholism and violence , that's why we moved here . it was not a good place for our boy . i couldn't have those dirty new york streets corrupting him more than they already have" matthew mom says calmly going off on him . wth is her problem ? that was kind of out of line to diss my hometown like that . "wow" my dad responds awkwardly smiling and sipping his wine "well you know you can't always judge a book by it's cover" i smile at matthew's mom even though i wanted to slap her across the face . "how couldn't you judge them , i mean all of those crack heads and junkies on the streets , tuh" matthew's dad finally speaks only to shit on new york some more "well maybe if you weren't so one track fucking minded then you would know that those crackheads and junkies on the streets are real fucking people with real fucking emotions , families and problems . but no one knows what goes on behind the scenes because no one cares to , they just rather assume the worse . now if you'll excuse i'm going to go call my junkie mom from jail ." i spazz tf out on ms. deluca

-matthew's pov

damn she just went the fuck off . shit i would too if i was her . my mom is such a bitch . she needs to speak less of her mind .
"oh dear lord , i think you should get that girl in line ." my mom says in her bitchy tone . what the fuck is wrong with her ? that girl just poured her whole heart . of course that's the response my mom would have . "mom , seriously . just stop talking" i say trying to put a stop to things before they get worse but i'm ignored by everyone . y/n's dad responds to what my mom said , "and i think you should think before you speak . you know just because we live in this nice house and gated community doesn't mean we didn't come from the other side of the fence we worked our way up . but perhaps that's not a word you're familiar with , huh ? get the hell out of my house ." shit her dad is badass no wonder where she get it from "it was nice meeting you son" he says shaking my hand asmy parents are walking out the door . "may i stay?" i ask him "of co-" , "absolutely not! come on matthew" his mom demands "na i'm coo" he smiles and shuts the door on her face . "i am so sorry for that . she doesn't have an off button ." i explain to y/n dad "it's not your fault , i appreciate your maturity , you seem like a good man" he smiles at me but at this point it seems a little gay so i need some tits in this room fast "uh do you mind if i apologize to your daughter?" i ask hoping he'll say yes "if you're plotting on being with her you know you can just say that?" he says laughing "well she is a beautiful girl but she seems pretty badass too , but yeah i'd like to get to know her" , "well you seem nice , go for it" , "wait seriously? no what are you intentions with my daughter talk?" i ask laughing "nope , that's her job . i'm telling you she's gonna be a task . just don't come into her life just to break her more than she already is. upstairs first room to your left" he tells me while picking up the dishes , "okay thank you and i promise i won't break her heart" i say reassuring him "that's if she even gives it to you , son."

-y/n pov

i wipe my tears after an emotional call with my mom , i just wish we had a normal relationship .i can't believe i just trauma dumped on a whole bunch of randos . fuck that matthew boy probably thinks i'ma psycho . "come in" i say hearing a few knocks on my door "hey" matthew says opening the door peeking his head through "oh my , um hey . i'm sorry for going off like that i just-" i begin walking up to the door letting him in "hey hey no , i'm sorry for my mom being a total dick" , "it's not your fault" i say smiling at him "your smile is beautiful" he compliments me "ugh thank you but i'm not looking for a relationship or anything" , "whaaaat? i can't compliment you?" , "it's just that all boys are the same" i say sitting on my bed "cmon those three years that my mom says corrupted me actually taught me alot , including how to treat a woman . properly . let me take you out because this was not a good first impression at all" he says as we both laugh "yeah i promise i'm not that ghetto" , "you're not ghetto , just seen some shit and certain things blow ya top . and she was just buggin at ya like she was waiting for it" , "you understand." i say smiling at him "yea course ." , "no one understands , hell no one even cares to even listen" , "i told you . you're a beautiful girl you shouldn't be having to put up with all that hurt . even if you don't wanna gimme a chance i'll still be around if ya ever need an outlet" , "thank you" , "of course beautiful, so you'll take me up on that date ? because i'll look pretty stupid showing up at 7pm sharp on your doorstep tomorrow if it's a no." , "i'll be sure not to answer the door" i joke as we both laugh "alright why don't you get out before my dad thinks were having sex" , "right , right . well maybe.." he begins "get out deluca!" i say smiling "cya tomorrow gorgeous" he says kissing my cheek

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