9. Hi Welcome to Chili's

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Indiana Stark, A.K.A. Tony Stark's little sister, became the deadliest woman known to man.

And there came a day unlike any other, when Earth's Mightiest Heroes found themselves united against a common threat. On that day, she joined the Avengers.

This is what she does now that they're gone.

She may have a drinking problem.


My stomach twisted as the lift ascended another level of Wayne Enterprises high-rise. I'd never liked heights, but I had never had a proper excuse for it until now. I didn't have the power of flight to save me if the lift dropped.

I had a few papers in my satchel, and a couple of emergency items. I wore a nice dress shirt, a pair of sleek black pants and heeled boots. I made a promise to myself to make a good impression, at least for a while, but sooner or later I was going to come to work in sweatpants.

The lift opened and I stepped out into a working space. Two desks were divided by glass. Three walls were blank; the four was entirely made of glass, providing a window to the city. Even though it was only early morning, the sky had turned overcast. Welcome to Gotham.

I realised how quiet it was then and noticed that I was alone in the room. Was this what getting stood up felt like? Just kidding, Bruce and I both had a tough night. He had come back later last night; and I redid a stitch be busted and bandaged a new knife wound, before kicking him out like a one-night stand.

There was a counter in the corner of this side of the glass wall with a coffee machine on it. I wandered over, sussed out my options. I scrunched my nose, the espresso capsules all looked expensive and pretentious. What was wrong with good old instant coffee? I basically lived off the stuff.

I made myself a cup anyway. I was just raising it to my lips when – Poof. Bruce appeared beside me. The guy was like a ninja. A rich vampire ninja.

His hair was gelled back, and he wore an Armani suit that uh... hugged his body nicely.

"Looks like you had a rough night," he said making himself a cup. I couldn't help but notice as he reached for the coffee the way his sleeve slid up, revealing the bandages. I pretended not to notice, by the way he moved I wouldn't be able to tell if I hadn't known better.

"Something like that," I said nonchalantly. Then teasingly. "What about you? Did reckless playboy Bruce Wayne do anything stupid?"

Bruce gave me a brief, hard look before his face softened again and he spoke casually. "Something like that."

He gave me a rundown of the job and what I was required to do in filing records, making notations, appointments and taking calls. I caught on quickly. It had become a reflex in that other place and had stuck with me all these years, I fell into the format and rhythm of carefully identifying the correct notes for each file before putting them away in a cabinet of sending them where they need to go. Then I started on the scheduling. A wave of nostalgia hit me when I noticed plans for an expo.

It was 2010 and the first time I'd seen Tony in person in almost two decades. Only, at the time I didn't remember he was my brother. I wish we had more time.

The rest of the day went quickly but I finished the day's work quota in half the time and started planning a way to keep the people in my building safe. Even if it was only one building in all of Gotham, the least I could do was a little focused good.

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