✩First day,old crush✩

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                       🤝|Chapter 1|🤝
                            | 8th June 1998|

Tessa's pov:

"Tessa" I heard a faint voice calling me. "Tessa wake up you are gonna be late" now I could hear the voice clearly. Is my mother waking me up. Then I remembered Im strting my job today. Shit I totally forgot. I jumped outta my bed.

"I'm up, I'm up" I exclaimed. "Come on baby, you should get ready or you'll be late" my mother Jessica said. "I will" I said and she left my room. I got up and went to bathroom. When I started looking for something to wear.

Today I'm starting to work as a therapist so I have to dress professionally. I decited to wear white top, white pants and white high heels. I added some accesoaries like dior sunglasses and black prada shoulder bag.

I decided to tie my hair into a high ponytail. I did my latina make up and hurried down the stairs. "Hunny do you want to eat anything before you go?" My mom asked. "No, I'll eat at my pause" I said. I quiclly gave a kiss on a cheek to both of my parents. "See you later" my dad Evan yelled after me. "Later dad" I returned.I started driving.

I smiled to myself. I had family. That was my greatest desire since I was a little kid. No more foster care parents more deppresing grey rooms in adoption center. I looked at my bracelet. I'm wondering where Marshall is. Did he ever got adopted? I would really like to see him again. He was my best friend, and I kinda had a crush on him.

I sighed and continiued driving. Radio was playing Spanish songs. I knew every single song, because I'm latin. In letter my biological mom left me there was a picture of her. She's Spanishand my dad is American. I also speak Spanish.

I parked my car at the empty parking lot near the bulding. I got outta car and locked it. I made my way to the buliding. Once I got in I saw a black woman standing, writing something down. I nervously walked over to her. "Erm, excuse me" I said getting her attention.

"Hi" I said. "Hi, how can I help you?" she asked. " I should start working here today" I said nervously. "Oh, you must be Tessa" she smiled at me. "I'm Monica" we shook hands. "Its nice to meet you" I smiled at her. "Its nice to meet you too, hun" she spoke. "You should go to Mr.Hariss office, he'll tell you where your office is" she added.

"Can you tell me where his office is?" I questioned. "Of course, Its right there" she answered pointing to office named 'Boss office'. I thanked Monica and walked over to the office. I sighed. I feel so anxious. I took a big breath before knocking. I knocked gently. "Come on in" a deep voice yelled.

I entered the room. "Hi, I'm Tessa, I should start working here today" I said. "Ahh, yes Tessa, I'm John Harris and I'll be your new boss." He said and we shook hands. "Sit down, please" he said and I sat down." So Tessa, you finished college with straight A's?" he asked making sure he was right."Yes" I nodded. "Good, you'll have only one patinent for today. He was Mrs.Johnes patient but now you are taking him" he explained. "Monica will show you your office" he said. "Thank you" I spoke.

"You're welcome" he said and I left the office. Monica was waiting for me outside the office. I offered her a warm smile. "I'll show you your office" she spoke. I nodded.
We started walking up stairs. We finally stopped at the office without titles. "This is your office, your title will arrive in a few days,you can decorate your offive however you like" she said. "Oh and yeah your patinent is coming in 5pm so you have free time" she added and left.

I opened the door. I saw a big comfy brown armchair witch I suppose is for me, and there is a bit smaller brown armchair. Between armcharis is a little white coffie table. It feels so depressing. I need to decorate in now. I cheked the time on my wrist watch. 7:58 am. I have more than enough time to go to target and buy some stuff.

I walked down the stairs. Megan was at her desk in the lounge. She was doing some paper work. "Hey Meg" I spoke. "Hey, whats up?" she asked. "I was wondering if I could go to target to buy some decorations for my office?" I answered. "Of course hun, just make sure you come on time for apponment." She answered. "See you" I said ans I started to walk away. "See ya" I heard Megan say.

I jumped into my car and drove to the nearest target. I parked my car and walked in. I knew what to buy first. I need plants. I saw a shelf with flowers. I ran over to them. I picked red, blue and white flowers in pots. I placed them in cart.

Next I need is some notebook, to write my patients problem.I bought a planner. I got a pink one with glitters on it,and a black one. I also picked a pen with a big crystal on it, some markers and more pens.

I walked to food section. I need to buy some snacks in case my patient is going to be hungry. I picked cheetos,doritos,oreos,walkers, M&M's,skittles...
I made my way to cash register amd paid my stuff. I walkter trough a parking lot and got into my car. I started driving to work. When I came back I started decorating my office.

Once I was finally done, it was lunch time. 4:30 pm. I have only 30 minutes until my client comes. "Girl are you coming" I heard Megan knock. "Yeah, I'm comin' " I said. I opened the door and walked to cafeteria with Megan.

We stopped a the table full of people. "Guys I want to Introduce you, our new terapist" Megan said and everyone stopped talking. "Guys this is Tessa Miller" she said. "Hi, its nice to meet you" I said.
I sat down between Megan and black eyed boy.

He turned to me. "Hi, I'm Tyler" he spoke. "Hi, I'm Tessa, it's nice to meet you" I said. "Nice to meet you too" he said. I saw a black boy about 26 years old staring at my bracelet. When he saw I noticed he quickly looked away.

I checked time. 4:50. "Shoot,guys I'll see you later, I have an appointment at 5" I said. "K, see ya later girl" Meg said and I made my way to my office. I got in and sat down at the armchair. I can't believe, Im doing my dream job. After a few minutes I heard someone gently knocking on the door. I started to feel anxious.

"Come on in" I said loud enough so he can hear me. He gently opened the door. My eyes met his familiar blue. "Tessa?" he excaimed. "Marshall?"

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