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🌷|Chapter 3|🌷
🪴|29th June 1998|🪴

Its been few weeks sice I started working. Things were going pretty well. I made some new friends, rebounded with the old ones, and by that I mean I rebounded with Marshall. We were going out almost every day.

But I started to notice that my family's been acting odd. I feel like they are hiding something from me.

Today is Saturday, I dont work on weekends, so i dont have anything to do toady. In fact Im still in bed. Its currenty 9am, and I just woke up.

I have no idea what to do today. I got up from my Queen sized bed and walked into my bathroom and took a shower.

I let the wather fall on me. I started humming the first song that came to my mind.

After I showered I cleaned myself and got dressed. I was wearing nike shorts and dark red V neck crop top.

I walked into our living room. The first thing I saw were my brothers fighting like always. "why are you guys fighting now?" I asked. "He broke phone" Dre yelled, "No I didn't you did you bastard" Nico shouted at his sibling.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. I made my way to the kitchen. My dad was sitting in his usual spot next to the window. "Morning dad" I spoke. "Good morning Tess, are you hungry?" he asked.

"No, I'm not" I shook my head.  Dad was about to say something but he was cut off by a loud sound of something falling. We shared a look and ran to living room. "What happened!?" dad yelled.

"He broke my phone, so I broke his" Nico innocently explained. Dad sighed in relief. "You guys are trying to kill me" mumbled.

My phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID. 


I answered my phone. "Hey Tess" I heard Marshall say. "Oh hey Marsh what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much, Im just hella bored"he answered. "What about you?"

"Same here" I chuckled. "So do you have any plans for today?" he asked. "Umm no, u dont"

"Wanna go hangout with me, Deshaun and his girl today?" he asked. "Yeah, sure" I said without thinking. "Great I'll pick you up at 12, is it ok with you?" he asked. I nodded "Yeah it is" I said. We said our goodbyes and I hung up.

"Wooouu Tessa has a boyfriend" Dre spoke. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure pick me upp" Nico joined making fun of me with his brother. "Guys I dont have a boyfriend, ok?"I said annoying.

"But you would love to have him" Dre said. This is it. I picked up a pillow and trew it at Andre. "Ayy" he yelled. I went back to room.

I checked the time. 11am
I better get ready, I dont like people waiting for me.  I applied some mascara and lipgloss. I really don't need to change into something else, its so hot outside.

I felt my phone vibrate. "Hello?" I answered "Yo, Tessa its me Marshall" I heard a faint voice. "oh, hi Marsh what's up?" I asked"Are you ready cuz I'm near your house" he asked. "yes I am "

"Great see ya " he said and hung up. I quickly rushed down the stairs. "Bye guys I'll see you later I'm going out " I yelled while running to the front door.

I opened the door and saw Marshall waiting for me in his car. I walked over to the car and got in. "Heeey" I said giving him a side hug. "Hey Tess how are you?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm fine what about you?"

"Well I'm better now that you are here" he said flirting with me. I don't really know if it was flirting or something else, but Ifor sure felt butterflies. I couldn't help but to blush. I could swear I was red as tomato.

After awkward silence he spoke "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, I am" I said. Then he started his car and started driving somewhere. "So Tess, you dont have to work at the weekends?" he asked.

"No I don't, what about you do you work at the weekends?And where do you work, I never asked you that." I spoke
"Well I'm only free at Saturday's, and I work at Burger King, it sounds pathetic right?" he said. "No it doesn't sound pathetic at all" I truthfully said "because every job is a good job unless you work illegal, I mean if you steal or rob other people, no body should be ashamed of their jobs, right?"

He just looked at me in disbelief. Which made me re-think everything I just said.

Did I say something I wasn't supposed to?

"D-Did I say something wrong?" I asked. "No,  you didn't, and I agree with you, I tough you changed because of all the money your family have and stuff." he responded.

My family did have a lot of money, but to be honest I never really cared about their money or dad's law business, they never pressured me to finish law school or anything like that, they told me to follow my heart, so I did.

"No, I never really cared about their money or anything like that, the only thing I cared about are other people, I really love helping people I always wanted to do that" I spoke.

"Tessa you are literally the best person I ever met" Marshall simply said. "No, I'm not" I spoke. I do don't really like talking about myself. Marshall was about to say something but then he realized that we have arrived.

When I got out of the car, I gasped. It was beautiful. There was a picnic table near the lake and Deshaun from work was there, he was a good friend of Marshall's, next to him was standing a beautiful girl. We started walking towards the them.

"Yo, Em whatsupp" Deshaun yelled. "Hey D" he spoke. "Ayy hey Tessa, this is my girlfriend Tonya" he said. "Oh hi, It's nice to meet you Tonya" I said and smiled at her, she smiled back at me. "It's nice to meet you too Tessa" she spoke.

We were having amazing time, we were laughing, telling stories from life, work and many more things. It was getting late so everyone went home.

Authors note:
Aaah I finally updated. I'll be more active I swear

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