Preference #32- His Proud Father Moment

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Zayn: His proud father moment was when he had taught your son how to drive, he was so happy for days. Repeating "My son can drive!" every so often.

Louis: When he heard your daughter say daddy for the first time, you and he had a bet that she would say mummy first, but she said daddy and Louis had won the bet. He tweeted about it, and when he had his next interview he announced it.

Niall: You and Niall had been trying to teach your daughter to walk by herself, it wasn't as easy as you thought. One day you put her on the ground with ball, and sat on the lounge and watched some TV, Niall sat down with your daughter and was pushing the ball away from her, when it went out of the room, your daughter stood up and slowly stumbled out of the room, your heard a thud and then crying, Niall stood up an found your daughter on the floor. Niall helped her up and then she walked back into the lounge room with the ball, Niall was ecstatic.

Harry: Your son had just started kindergarten, Harry had picked him up from school, your son showed Harry a short story that he had wrote. It was about you and Harry, Harry almost teared up about how much your son was growing up.

Liam: His proud moment was when your daughter got into college, he was so proud, he always said that if she worked hard she could do it, she thanked her dad for the encouragement and Liam had to tell everyone, that's all he talked about for weeks.

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