Preference #58- He Hurts Himself

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Liam: You had to work back today so Liam offered to cook dinner; he was a great cook so you couldn’t wait for dinner. As you pulled up in the driveway you got out of the car and headed to the front door as you opened the door you heard swearing coming from the kitchen. “Hey Li I’m home.” You called. In response you got a grunt. You walked towards the kitchen door. “Hey baby what you are doing?” you enquired. Liam had a tea towel around his hand. “Oh hey (Y/N), do you mind getting a bandage from the medicine cabinet?” Liam asked. “What did you do Li?” “I cut my hand trying to chop up the carrots and the knife slipped.” You grabbed his hand and unwrapped it, it was bleeding a lot. Putting under the tap and running water n it you heard a wince. “I’m sorry Liam.” You kissed his forehead and tended to his hand.

Harry: You had just baked a cake, and Harry was in the studio and was expected to be home soon so you baked the cake for dessert. Harry was home early but you were in the shower so you didn’t hear him come home, but you did hear the scream from downstairs. “Ah my tongue, it’s SO hot, my tongue! BURNING!”  As you heard this you turned off the shower knowing it was Harry wrapped the towel around your body and headed downstairs to see Harry standing over the sink with his mouth under the tap. “Hey Harry what the hell did you do?” You said staring at him. “I brunt my tongue.” He stated looking up at you. “Did you eat the cake?” You put your hands on your hips. “Ah….yeah.” He said looking like a child had been caught doing something wrong. “Serves you right, you weren’t meant to eat the cake that was for dessert, karma is a bitch.” You turned and started for the stairs. “But babe wait, I burnt my tongue.” “Just keep it under cold water for a while, and don’t touch the cake.”

Zayn: You had just been attacked by Zayn and the power of tickle torture, as you ran up the stairs to get away from Zayn you heard a thud. “Zayn? You alright?”  You hear a moan, jogging down the stairs to see your poor boyfriend on the floor in pain, you couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny I just fell over?!” “Exactly Zayn you fell over.” You giggled.  While you were distracted Zayn pulled you down but you landed on him and knocked the wind out of him. “Not doing too well today baby.” You stifled. “Oh shut up you, I will get you later.” Zayn narrowed his eyes trying to stay serious, but didn’t. You both stood up and then continued the game, Zayn lost. He really wasn’t having the best day.

Louis: Louis had just gotten back from a long tour and planned a romantic dinner date, you pulled up to a water front and there was a boat in the water, Louis told you to wait for him to open the door for you, he really wanted he date to be special. He got out of the car walked around and opened the door but it hit him square on the nose, you heard a yelp then a hell of a lot of swearing. “Lou you okay? Let me have a look.” Louis removed his hands to reveal a bloody nose. You pulled out a packet of tissues and wiped away the blood. Then told him to hold he arch of his nose and wait until it stops. “Sorry gorgeous, I really did want tonight to be wonderful.” He said shaking his head. You grabbed his hand from his nose to inspect it again and it was swelling up. “Well Louis it can be a romantic date in the hospital café while we go and get your nose checked out by a doctor. You both got back into the car and you drove to the emergency room.

Niall:  Niall had just gone to gets some drinks from the bar, a good looking guy was checking you out, you felt flattered but the guy must have taken it as a signal that you were interested and walked over. He started to flirt, but you had told him about you being here with your boyfriend, the guy didn’t seem to care really. Niall was walking back to you when he saw the guy. He placed to drinks down on the table next to you. “Hey pal, that’s my girlfriend.” Niall said getting a little defensive. “Yeah do I look like I care?” The guy turned back you but you had grabbed the drink and splashed it in his face. He get really pissed off and looked as though he were about to hit you. Niall reacted and caused a fight between the two. After the fight and being chucked out of the pub you drove Niall home to clean him you. He had cuts all over his knuckles, who knew your boyfriend could throw punched like that. You washed the cuts then put some alcohol on them to clean out any infection that made Niall pull away and hiss, you apologised but had to continue, that’s how you spent your night. You had to admit it was pretty hot how Niall fought for you.

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