i. Persephone

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" I swear I hate that my moms not letting  me go out in London with you guys, " grumbled Persephone Shelby as she sat on her bed with two of her friends on the floor playing with one another's hair, " It's so unfair, I mean she keeps saying I'm a ...

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" I swear I hate that my moms not letting  me go out in London with you guys, " grumbled Persephone Shelby as she sat on her bed with two of her friends on the floor playing with one another's hair, " It's so unfair, I mean she keeps saying I'm a grown women now and when I want a chance to prove it to her she says no! "  one of the blonde girls playing with another redhead girl smiled, " It's okay you can come with us another time. " she said, the red head girl turned to Persephone " With your mother! "
The two girls then cackled while Persephone threw the small fluffed pillows on her bed to there head but missed miserably.

" Shut up! Both of you! " she screamed as the two girls continued to laugh loudly, they soon stopped when Persephone had left the room and went to her mother and fathers large office downstairs. " Momm!!! " Persephone called out as she slammed the door open to their office, her father kept his head nuzzled in the newspaper, he sighed as he felt a fight brewing on. " Mom! " Persephone repeated once more as she stood in front of her mothers desk.

Carmen looked up to see her thirteen year old daughter standing across her with her arms crossed and a frown upon her face, " Yes, my dear. " Carmen said as she dropped the pen and crossed her hands together.  " Please let me go to London! Let Micheal come with me for all I care, Please!! " Persephone pleaded once more, Carmen shook her head " I said no. " the mother repeated.

Persephone groaned even louder this time causing her mother to roll her eyes, if there was one thing everyone in the Shelby family had known about Persephone, is that she was a snotty spoiled brat, absolutely no remorse for others. Once she gets what she wants she cared about absolutely no one. It was a feature her parents were proud of but yet we're also worried for her in the future.
She was going to grow up and marry a rich man who will her for two months but will stay with her, fearing for her fathers wrath on him.

Persephone was the type of girl that everyone liked and wanted to be, she was popular and a complete manipulator, she was the type of girls you wanted to know more, the type of girl that was mysterious but you just seemed to know everything about her. Persephone held a facade around her parents. Her mommy's little doll and her fathers loyal sweet daughter, but outside arrow house the girl was a complete menace, antagonizing her friends and belittling them, flirting innocently with all the boys. Wearing revealing sun dresses. Persephone was a two faced bitch who didn't have a care or remorse for anyone.

" I'll go with her. " Tommy finally said to stop the constant yelling from both his wife and daughter, Both Persephone and Carmen snapped their heads Tommy, one giddy and the other furious. " Oh thank you so much daddy! " Persephone squealed in joy as she ran over to hug her father tightly. Carmen's eyes widened as Tommy hugged her back and kissed the crown of her head.
" Tommy no, she has to learn once someone says no, then it's no! " Carmen shouted from across the large office.

Persephone smile slowly faded as she looked at her mother angrily before glancing at her father. Worried he too would bow down and listen to her mother once more.

" Carmen, love, it's alright I'll go with her and her friends and make sure she's safe. " Thomas said, trying to reason with his wife.  Carmen only shook her head, " I said no- "

Persephone interrupted her mother angrily " That's not fair! Why not? Why not! " persephone stomped her feet angrily as she began to grow to have a tantrum, the Shelby family had noticed as well that Persephone was an extremely childish teenager, at the age of thirteen she seemed to grow angry in a second if  nothing went her way, and when it did. Not a thank you or a simple kiss on the cheek was granted.

" You know when I was your age, my mother wouldn't even  let me go to school without my father or brother escorting me. " Carmen joked nonchalantly as she began to neaten her stuff, her hands then began to travel to try and find a pack of cigarettes she hid from her daughter, " So? Your not Grandma, don't be old and miserable like her. Let me have a fun childhood where I can tell everyone  that my parents let me go to London with all my friends! " Persephone as well tried to reason with her mother.

Carmen sighed as she finally found the cigarettes, but grew curious as too there was only one in there, she remembered there was four left. She glanced up at her daughter who only had her arms crossed with a determined look on her face. Carmen slowly and carefully hid the small cigarette in her sleeve as she continued to stare at her daughter who had a small smile grow on to her smooth young face. " Mommy please. " Persephone pleaded once more, Carmen looked into her daughters eyes carefully as she held the death stick in her hands.

Slowly a small smile appeared on her face too as she nodded softly, " Ok fine, but Micheal and your father are going with you, and I'm packing your suitcase, don't want you going to London dressed like a flapper at some cheap club. "  Persephone smiled a large smile as she kissed her mothers cheek and ram upstairs to her room where both her Friends were, playing with her dolls and rummaging through her room.

Carmen took the cigarette from out of her sleeve and held it out to Tommy who glanced up at her in confusion, " Have you been taking them? " she asked as he only shook his head.  Thomas went to sit back down and took the newspaper and began to read the newspaper once more. " Tommy, honestly it's okay if you did. " Carmen said as she pulled the newspaper down a bit to look at her husband.

Tommy only raised his eyebrows at his wife as he turned into his seat and opened a locked drawer where there was two guns and three small boxes of cigarettes. Carmen widened her eyes a bit as she thought of who might have taken them. She took one once a week. Could it have been a maid? Or a cook? She tried thinking of who it could be but no one came to mind.

All the maids were women who were tired and just decided to do easy housework for a small family who had family members over once a week, the cooks weren't allowed to have cigarettes in the kitchens in case it would rotten the fruits and vegetables and bring a rather curios smell in the kitchen with all the food and herbs.

Carmen then humored herself as Persephone came to mind, she smiled softly at the thought of her wild sweet daughter. She couldn't picture Persephone doing something as horrid as smoking a cigarette. But slowly the thought came to mind, Finn was interested in smoking since he was ten. Maybe it was because of the bad influences in his life or the role models he had. But Carmen prided herself into giving Persephone a much more healthier and happier version of life, when in reality it was miserable and cruel.

Carmen walked outside and hid behind the stables as she lighted the cigarette and smoked quietly, unknown to her Persephone was doing the exact same.

Carmen walked outside and hid behind the stables as she lighted the cigarette and smoked quietly, unknown to her Persephone was doing the exact same

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