Prelude. Nightmares in Watery Lane

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( prelude.) Nightmares
In Watery Lane.

The sun rose down slowly  in Birmingham, Carmen  sighed as she stood near the stove as she was making tea for her and her husband, Thomas was still in the betting shop with his brothers. Carmen stared out the window as everyone returned back to their homes. The metal cup began sizzling as she returned her focus back to the tea.

Soon she sat down on the wooden chair waiting for the tea to become slightly warmer and waiting for her husband to return.

The smell of cigarettes alerted her Thomas was back, as well as the loud slam of the door. Carmen cringed as she stood up and walked out of the kitchen and to her husband. " How many times have I told you not to slam the door like that? " she questioned as she took off his long woolen coat for him.

Thomas only sighed as he kissed her cheek lightly and walked to the the kitchen before slumping down on the creaky old chair. " Remind me to get some new chairs, these ones feel as though there almost going to fall apart. " Thomas said as he poured himself some tea, he glanced at the whiskey she also left out on the table, next to his empty tea cup.

He chuckled softly " You know me so well. "

Carmen only smiled lightly as she put her own cup into the sink " I'm heading upstairs, I just cleaned those old lumps we call couches and I am absolutely tired, " she sighed tiredly with a small smile, " don't stay too long down here. " she said before heading upstairs and getting ready for bed. Tommy stared down at his empty tea cup, he looked around the small kitchen, he looked at the dirty sink and old creaky wooden table that seemed it was almost about to snap with a pin drop.

Thomas sighed tiredly as he prayed for a better life for him and his wife, for his family, for his future children. The house was old and dirty and his wife seemed to be exhausted every time he saw her after she cleaned the dust that was attracted to the house. Carmen told him she sister care about anything as long as she was with him.
He picked up his cap from the table and walked limply up the stairs, he gently opened the door in case his wife was asleep, she was, her back was faced to him. Tommy went and changed into an old white shirt and Arthur's old pants that hanged a bit loosely on his hips.

He slowly got in the bed and put the thin blanket on top of him, Thomas wrapped one arm around his wife's waist and pulled her closer to him, he brought his lips near her ears and whispered softly  " I promise we will have a better life then this. " he kissed her hallow cheek and went to sleep.

While Thomas soundly slept, Carmen slowly smiled a small smile of happiness as she snuggled into her husband.

While Thomas soundly slept, Carmen slowly smiled a small smile of happiness as she snuggled into her husband

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CARMEN  ✷ Thomas Shelby Where stories live. Discover now