ii. Curios Cat

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Persephone laughed giddily with all her friends as they took the train to London, Thomas and Micheal stayed in the cabin beside them finishing paper work, the large cabin  that Thomas paid a lot of money for was now filled with smoke and smelled o...

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Persephone laughed giddily with all her friends as they took the train to London, Thomas and Micheal stayed in the cabin beside them finishing paper work, the large cabin that Thomas paid a lot of money for was now filled with smoke and smelled of whiskey.

Micheal groaned tiredly as the giggling and laughter washed over the room again, " Are they always liked this? " he asked, annoyed with the young teenage girls who judged him with their big beady eyes, and the way their lips curled into a sinister smirk as they whispered to one another. Micheal felt quite insecure around the three girls. Especially Persephone.

Persephone seemed to enjoy the way she meddled with the young gray boy, her great aunt scolded her for but she brushed it off, Micheal was easy to attack. He was insecure about many things, such as not firing into the family, trying too hard to become a blinder, and trying to become her father. Persephone didn't like that, she held a high picture of her father, she held him on a large golden pedestal. Meanwhile with her mother. . . it was complicated with her mother.

" Yes. " Thomas replied grimly, he grew used too the girlish giggling and the judgmental eyes. He lost all insecurity once he married his wife, the women had absolutely devoured the word confidence, she was used to her mothers insecurity and her rude remarks about her bright long red hair and freckles. Her mother always seemed to mention her scars.

Thomas had noticed the scars when he sneakily let his hand slip under her shirt while he kissed her passionately. He traced the scars curiously, he gasped in shock when he realized they were letters. Carmen glanced up at him in shock, She kept questioning him but Thomas wouldn't reply, he pulled the shirt up a bit only for Carmen to grip his hands in anger and sadness. She ran away from him and the small spot behind the Garrison.

He was always curious on how she carved the letters on her skin, maybe she was numb to the pain, or maybe she was used to it.

The sounds of loud girlish shrieks ringed his ear as he winced, "All right that's it. " Thomas said as he stood up and opened the door to the cabin and walked over to his daughters cabin with two of her friends.
He knocked the door a bit roughly and put his hands behind his hips as he sighed, the sound of whispering and small giggles soon stopped when Persephone opened the door slowly and peaked her head outside with mischievous eyes glancing at her father, " Yes? " she said in a grown up voice causing Diane and Catherine to burst out laughing while Persephone tried shushing them, all there freckled faces turned red when they noticed the annoyed look on Mr.Shelby's face.

" Persephone, you are being loud and completely disrespectful. There are other people who are in the cabins beside you. " Thomas scolded, but Persephone felt no twinge of fear. " Such as myself and Micheal. " he continued as he looked into his daughters blue eyes that were filled with child like joy.

Persephone sighed with Boredom as her fingers played with the locks on the thin door as silence loomed over them, Diane and Catherine stared at her and her father as they then began to silently whisper to each other. Thomas then left leaving Persephone with her friends who continued to stare at her curiously.

" What? " Persephone snapped angrily at them as they only shrugged in response.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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