First encounter

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Hana's heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted down the dimly lit alley, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She couldn't believe she made it out. The horrors she had been through would haunt her forever. Determination and fear fueled her legs as she pushed herself to run faster, desperate to escape the clutches of the sinister organization that had held her captive for years.

As she weaved through the passages, Hana could hear the echoing footsteps of her pursuers growing closer. They were relentless, driven by their desire to capture her and prevent her from exposing their dark secrets to the world.But she doesn't want that, she just wants to be left alone.

Just as despair began to settle in, a sudden commotion erupted behind her. Shouts and grunts filled the air, followed by the sound of a fierce struggle. Hana dared a glance over her shoulder and saw a stranger, a man unlike anyone she had ever seen before, clumsily fighting off her pursuers.

With the path momentarily clear, Hana seized the opportunity and increased her pace, her legs carrying her as fast as they could. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, lending her strength she didn't know she possessed. She rounded a corner and found herself in a dead-end, panic threatening to overtake her.

But just as the bad guys closed in on her, the mysterious man appeared, seemingly out of thin air. His eyes glinted with a mix of determination and kindness as he assessed the situation. Without hesitation, he reached for her scooping her tiny frame into his arms before barreling through the men chasing her.

As he ran, Hana couldn't help but feel a sense of trust and safety in the man's arms. His calm demeanor and unwavering determination reassured her that she was no longer alone in this fight. The man ducked and weaved through various obstacles, out maneuvering their pursuers at every turn.

Finally, it seemed like forever they lost the men when they luckily turned into a crowded shopping district. The man let out a sigh of relief as made his way through the crowd finding a nearby deserted park to settle down in. As he placed Hana down on a bench he crouched down to her eye level.

"Kid are you alright?" The man questioned in a worried voice. Hana nodded her head in confirmation as she thought about all that had just happened.

"Did you know those men that were chasing you?" She again nodded her head.

"Well hopefully they won't be a problem anymore. My name is Saitama. Can I be lucky enough to learn your name?"

"My name is Hana." She spoke in a low unsure voice but Saitama smiled softly, glad to hear her voice.

"Well miss Hana if you're up for it we can go to the police and tell them what happened or I can call your parents and have them come get you." He made the suggestions but Hana only shook her head in disagreement.

"No I don't have parents and what if the police send me back to the lab the doctors said I was their property so it would be no good." She said with tears in her eyes. Saitama felt a chill run down his back as he listened to the girl explain her situation.

'How did I find myself in this situation? What am I supposed to even do here ?!'  His questioning seems to halt as he stares into the girl's terrified light brown eyes feeling a sense of calm he takes in the rest of her appearance. Her pale skin was smudged with dirt probably from tripping during her getaway. She looked to be about six or seven but who knows.She had long dark hair that looked like it's never been brushed and the gown she had on looked like it's seen better days. Taking it all in, Saitama nodded to himself in assurance as he made an internal decision.

"Listen kid I may not be the best choice out there but if you want you could stay with me. I mean I am in between jobs right now and some days will totally su-" He was interrupted by Hana hopping off the bench accidentally knocking him over with a surprising amount of strength.

"Why? Why did you help me? Why do you want to take me in? I'm a dangerous experiment that only meant to hurt people!" Hana yelled at him only feeling panicked and confused. Sure it was nice of the man to help her out in that moment but what if the lab found her? What if they hurt this nice man just to get her to come back?

Too deep in thought Hana jumped when she felt the man's arms wrap around her. Confused, she looked up at Saitama wondering what he was doing but didn't complain because it felt strangely nice and comforting.

"When I helped you I didn't really think about it I just did what felt right just like what I'm doing now. Taking you in isn't some next process thing to do, it's what I feel is right." Saitama paused in his speech as if trying to find the right words to say and Hana was all too captivated to stop it. "You know when I was younger I always wanted to be a hero, someone who saved people just because and tonight I really felt like I was close to that dream. So Hana will you let me be your hero?"

Hana felt breathless as she stared into Saitama's determined eyes and smiled that seemed to say 'I'll protect you no matter what.'. The only thing she could do was nod as Saitama pulled her close, feeling safe for the first time in her life. She had found her hero.

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