A new friend

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It's been over a year now since Hana was adopted by Saitama and things have changed a lot so quickly. She had finally taken her placement test and to nobody's surprise she tested out of primary and middle school.

Attending high school was a bit nerve wracking at first especially with all the teens that crowded around her asking so many questions. She didn't bother hiding her powers especially when Saitama encouraged her to practice openly. But eventually luckily for her they had gotten bored when her answers didn't satisfy them.

Upon their agreement Saitama and Hana did train every day. It was a morning routine for them. The goal for each day was 100 sit-ups,100 pushups,100 squats, and a 10km run home to get ready for school. He also denied using a heater or an A/C because it wasn't natural for the body and Hana was with him all the way.

After a week or two she had noticed her endurance and strength would steadily grow and would increase her training to counter the change while her dad would stick with his same routine. Three months in she began to notice how much he would barely be able to crawl out of bed which worried her.

By the fifth month she had noticed his change in strength when walking home from school. Just as they were crossing the street they spotted a boy and his dog crossing a well. Saitama was the first person to spot the out of control car speeding towards the two so without thinking her dad jumped in front of it head on. Her panic only lasted for a moment until she realized the only damage taken was the car that had a Saitama sized indent.

Now after a full year her dad's confidence and strength grew and now he was ready to take on the city as a hero. Hana was also ready to take on her own challenge but not in hero work her dad wanted to wait another year before she helped ,even though she could bench press an entire building at this point. No, she was going to her first day of cram school. She was so excited her dad said it was the best one he could find and it was all the way in city y. It was the first time she was traveling outside of city z since moving in with her dad and she couldn't wait.


The end of the school day came quickly for Hana as she rushed out the building weaving her tiny frame through students to meet her dad out front. Searching the front gate she spotted the blue tracksuit she had grown used to over the past few months. Grabbing his hand Hana pulled Saitama in the direction of the train station.

"Come on, come on I don't want to be late!" She was so excited she could just skip the whole train ride and just fly there.

"Okay, okay I'm going if you keep pulling my arm though you're going to rip it off." He joked an amused smile across his face.

"I'm sorry it's just there is so much that you can study there I just can't wait."

"Oh yeah and what classes did you end up choosing and hope you remembered I gave you a four class limit. God forbid you had chosen all of those poor teachers to be held hostage until you were satisfied." His joke only earned a glare from his daughter as she turned her nose up at him in a high and mighty manner.

"For your information I would not hold them hostage. I just like to ask thorough questions. And my four chosen classes are robotic science,trigonometry,Applied And Theoretical Physics,Mathematics, and Computer Programming And Coding. I've gained an interest in robotics and thought it would be cool to make practice bots that grew with you as you progressed." Hana said feeling proud of the class she picked.

"Wow, that's an amazing goal kid. I'm sure you'll learn it in no time." He encourages her as they step on the train.


Hana waved a quick goodbye to dad as she quickly entered the large building ready for her first class. It took her some time but in her robotic science class she was surprised and excited to find a kid her age sitting alone in the back of the classroom reading a book while eating a giant lollipop. With a quickly made decision she b lined her way to the desk next to the young boy making herself known. The boy looked annoyed at first but soon gained interest when he made eye contact with her.

One Punch Man: My Hero  DadWhere stories live. Discover now