Seoul Fireworks [Pt.2]

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long time no see. i kinda like this one.

"Taehyung-" Jungkook grabbed tae's hand before he reached the door to leave

Taehyung looked at him confused, "yeah?"

Jungkook gulped "its at 9.00.." he mummbled, one more time. 

He need to make sure one more time. he wanted to give taehyung another opening to reject him - before it could hurt ten folds more "our...thing is at 9-"

Taehyung's eyes sparkled - he didn't know why excatly jungkook was telling him this but it made him wonder if just maybe there was a chance he was just as excited as tae about this.

"I know!" he said trying to keep the giddy-ness off his voice but  it slipped out showing his excitment.

"oh." jungkook couldn't help but sound a little taken aback, suprised in a good way. 

His lips tugged as he tried to supress the smile that was pulling his lips - maybe he cancelled the date with Ji-Seoyon? maybe it was just them tonight? maybe taehyung chose him?


"You've been saying that a lot" Taehyung chuckled "i'll be there, i promise" it was more to himself than to jungkook. 

Since he did asusume this little 'thing' didn't mean much to Guk, he assumed he had no one else to go with? or was bored? or just wanted to see the fireworks...since he did love them - the fireworks not taehyung.

He was selfish but he really couldn't help it. he loved spending time with jungkook and now that they has an opportunity where it seemed more...couple-ly  he wanted it. 

He wanted it so bad even though it was just a moment, even though it was fake, even though it was his imagination running wild.

He just wanted it.

jungkook's smile could no lonnger be supressed as it widened into a stupid little grin. "good"

"good?" taehyung teased in return with an equally large smile

"now your just messing with me-"

"yeah that was the idea-"


Taehyung felt stupid, standing there with his favorite shirt, he only wore for special occations tucked in his equally favorite vintage pants he had only brought yesterday with jimin, a coat that he had spend hours debating if it looked odd and earings that were jungkook's favorite on him.

All that work to impress someone who didn't even show.

He looked at his watch again 9.27pm, the fireworks were gonna start in 3 minutes.

He looked around again for Jungkook like the stupid thing he is, the little flame of hope that remained began to flicker but taehyung didn't have the heart to let the wind blow it out.

He'd called jungkook a couple dozen times too but it kept saying that the service wasn't available. meaning he'd turned his phone off.

"Come one jungkook, please" he whispered under his breath as he tucked his hand deeper into the pockets of his jacket - he was now so greatfull he brought but it was a thin little thing made for style not need or function.

It only began to grow colder and he couldn't help but wonder if this was all just a little prank. if thats why jungkook seemed so desperate for him show, to fullfill a dare that the 97 liners or some of his other friends has asked him to do. if this was all just a set up...

Now if they were somewhere hiding to watch this stupid prank playout, taehyung just made himself look pathetic and desperate coming 10 minutes earlier looking all dressed for something big to happen.

He didn't think he could even make it on time. but Ji-seo's thing went very well he was done by 8.30 and didn't need more of taehyung's supervision - infact he didn't want to see it any further because it was an fucking saliva exchange - taehyung crigned remembering the sence. digusting.

He had time to go home and get freshened up, dressed and all the lovley shit that seemed so stupid to him now.

He looked down at his watch again 9.29

He clenched his teeth, to stop any tears streaming down his face. god, im so stupid - this is so stupid why- 

He shut his eyes he didn't want to think any futher. 

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