Sanctuary In a cave/Karliemon fight

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*We cut to a few hours later as we see Sasha and Lincoln fast asleep*

*They're cuddling each other similar to a mother and son as they sleep the glowing one eye from earlier sneaks up to them slowly but surely as it gets closer 

Lincoln wakes up from his sleep*

Lincoln: *groggy* damn nature, had to wake me up at the wrong place in the wrong time just to go number 1 

*We cut to Lincoln outside the cave as he does his business*

Lincoln: aah, sweet relief...........I wonder how Sasha's doing?

*as Lincoln says this a mysterious predator smelling his own bodily fluid appears as it was eating  from a dead Karliemont as it sees Lincoln go into the cave it growls*

Kranck: *growls* 

*We cut to Lincoln as he enters the cave, he sees something slowly move towards Sasha* 

Lincoln: *shocked* what on earth? 

*Lincoln pulls out a flashlight and shines it on the creature that is in the cave with them and is horrified when it's revealed the creature is heading to Sasha to kill her in his panic Lincoln yells* 

Lincoln: SASHA WAKE UP!!!!!! 

*Sasha bolts up from her sleep and stares at Lincoln* 

Sasha: *groggy* what is it? Did you have a nightmare and-

Lincoln: NOOO LOOKOUT!!! 

Sasha: what are you talking ab- *the Karliemont charges* HOLY CRAP!!  

*Sasha grabs her gun and she starts to shoot the alien dead, the small creature can't even run away or defend itself as it's at the mercy of the gun 

Soon the creature falls limp on the ground*

Sasha: how did you know it was here?! 

Lincoln: I didn't even know it was here until I got up to use the bathroom if you catch my drift, then I just saw it heading towards you and-

*They hear a distressful roar coming from the creature before it finally dies from its bullet wounds*

Lincoln: you don't think that was a baby? Do you? 

Sasha: I highly doubt it, if it was a baby then we're is it's mother surely she wouldn't be happy to see that I killed it's baby and we're in its cave and-

*suddenly a larger figure appears from inside the cave*

Lincoln: uh Sasha 

Sasha: *annoyed* it's rude to interrupt your elders you know, 

Lincoln: but Sasha! 

Sasha: what? And- the mother is standing right behind me isn't it? 

*Lincoln nods as Sasha turns towards the creature and she sees the mother is rightfully furious at them for killing one of its babies and it roars*

*They begin to run as the Karliemon begin its attack Sasha begins to shoot at the creature we cut back outside as the Kranck slowly approaches the cave 

Sasha continues to shoot at the Karliemon mother at it roars in a mixture of rage and pain Lincoln grabs a stalagmite and he rushes towards the Creature as it's about to bite Sasha 

And he throws it into the creatures eye causing it to be permanently blind by the rock it staggers around confused until Sasha shoots at its head 

The creature roars in agony as it tries to find them it inadvertently leaves the cave only for the Kranck to come in and kill the creature and drag its carcass away 

However during the scuffle Sasha accidentally fires a shot into the ceiling of the cave causing it to collapse and separate Lincoln and Sasha from each other*

Lincoln: No! Sasha are you there?! if you're still alive! I'll find a way to find you! 

*Lincoln walks out of the cave dejected and saddened at this "apparent" loss as he walks off we see Sasha banging on the wall as she's trying to find Lincoln* 

Sasha: Come on! Come on! Lincoln!! Can you hear me?! Drat! Why did I have to shoot at the ceiling! I am such an idiot!! 

I need to find a way out to this godforsaken cave! 

*Sasha heads deeper into the cave in an attempt to find a way out as we see Lincoln creating a torch and walking into the forest as the Kranck stares at Lincoln and it glares at him*

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