chapter 1

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A world once full of serenity, a world that once stood proud, was now standing defeated and ruined,it's occupants, left to be  trampled upon

Ever since the vampires, came to rule, humans fate were already decided, flee or stay either ways,their fate is still the same "death".


Ava started at the night sky, praying to whatever force was in heaven. that it shouldn't be dusk yet, because she knew what fate awaited her, once she turns seventeen.

She held onto her mother's necklace, the necklace was the only thing left of  her mother before she was killed,the more reason why she had to do, everything she could to stay alive,so her parents wouldn't die in vain, they wanted her to live till the day when the world would get better.

But her fate was already sealed, once she turned 17,she would go work as a slave for one of the vampire's,or either a sex slave.

Here you didn't have a choice, they choose for you, your dreams were shattered once you are of age to work.

They were like objects,if they had no use of you anymore,they would dispose of you.

you were owned,ur life or your fate lies with whoever is your master.

 Ava sighed,as she laid down on the cold floor of the cave thinking about everything that's was going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow  was  supposed to be the happiest day of her,life.

Yet she prayed, she wouldn't see that day she prayed for a miracle,

She thought about all the girls, they took everyday that never returned . From the stories she has heard,the vampires were very cruel creatures. They treat humans like trash and punished them even when it wasn't necessary.

Just a mere slip up could cause you, your life. Humans life didn't matter to them.

Some were said to have dark powers ,except strength, good looks,and were always taller than humans.

One of them that was said to be the cruelest who was possessed with dark powers like a demon was Zayn. The vampire's prince, just the mention of his name , brought fear. He was said to have killed six thousand armed humans , without even a sword.

Ava brought her mother's necklace and held it close to her heart and drifted off to sleep


Ava's pov 

I Heard angry footsteps, stumping closer to the entrance of the cave,I jerked up as I squinted my eyes,I opened my eyes to see it was already dawn,I shook with trepidation.

I didn't know what was waiting for me out there,I rubbed my hands together and closed my inhaling sharply, rubbing my tongue against my  chapped dry lips.

I knew they would come to take me today of course they had everyone's record. 

He pushed the wooden door open,he scanned the, area as if he was looking for something.

"You" he called out I froze for a moment,as I started to shake. The uniform we were given to wear, was made of silk, the water faded due to the number of years and, have had it on and low maintenance. Of course I knew he was referring to me, but I didn't want to believe it, my heart almost leapt out of my chest. When he turned to me ,I quickly stood up.

Although it was still dark,I could still make out his pale skin,his skin was paler than a corpse.

"S....sir" I finally replied finding my voice,his mere appearance scared the shit out of me,I didn't want to, attract any punishment yet,as he gestured for me to follow him.

I scurried to my feet and followed him, I saw two other girl's, I knew too well, they were Sara and amia.

I saw every Thanksgiving. We would talk a little, as we were not too fond with each other but they were good girls for the time have known them,they were nice.

We followed the man as we , stood in front of a very expensive car,he opened the booth and pushed us inside.

I closed my eyes and sighed leaned against the side of the car,I was thinking about what my life was going to become, this might be the end of my life,who knows what awaits me there.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see amia , staring at  me ,I gave her a fake smile.

"Hey" she whispered her voice soft and quiet. 

 "Hey "i replied looking to my left I saw sara, staring ahead of us  looking lost,I didn't know what came over me, I leaned in and took her hand in mine,I squeezed it,she was shocked at first but she returned the gesture.

"Everything is gonna be fine ok!" I muttered as I withdrew my hand to my side, she nodded her head and sighed.

I knew I was lying to my self everything is not going to be ok but, it doesn't hurt to have a little hope right.


After, many hours of driving and my head hurting,we finally got to our destination. I couldn't believe my eyes,it was a castle,a very immaculate castle, standing there proud and mocking us, telling us how miserable our life was going to be.

The vampire who brought us here, came to open the booth for us, took him long enough because I was suffocating to death. 

"Out" he ordered I scurried to my feet,I didn't want to receive any punishment yet,I still liked my pale spotless skin, back then I was the definition of beauty. 

All that was in the past. The vampire walked ahead of us gesturing with his hand for us to follow him. At the uppermost part of the castle, was a statue of a dragon, blood dripping from it's mouth, below it's feet was written: BLOOD MOON CASTLE.

 I saw slave's, lined up the side of the wall , somewhere giving us a sympathetic look,I saw two slave's being dragged away, begging for their life,I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes,so this was what is going to become of me, of us, I glanced at amia and sara, they had the same look on their faces.

That was when I decided I was going to survive this either ways.


Am so excited, writing this book, I started writing when I was fourteen, since then it gave me peace, although am not perfect, i Just hope you support me by..

Sharing &commenting.
  It motivates me to do better.

Empress presh xx💓👑

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