chapter 3

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~Ava's pov

I stared at the double doors in front of me, my heart beating fast against my ribcage.

I was exhausted from the day's work and the torture of those wicked vampire guards, when a palace servant came to call me and told me my attention was needed.

  When I got to madam Celine the look on her face got me confused.

"The Prince called for you" madam Celine said  without meeting my eyes.

" t...there any...thing he needs"? I asked stuttering. My hands were shaking my lips quivering my breath coming out fast my whole body trembling.

I thought I could live for a few days, but It seems this is my end.

I almost missed the words madam celine said,I practically ran out on hearing he was pissed.


I stood there, hesitant to knock ,the adrenaline shooting through my body, i stood there transfixed. I was trying to think of what I had done wrong. I heard shuffling at the other side of the door before the door opened. I closed my eyes saying my last prayers.

"What are you doing standing there?" Prince zayn barked, i jerked up and practically ran into his room. I stood at the middle of his room waiting for him to say something or pounce on me biting, my head of, but the question he asked got me confused.

"What's your blood type"? I froze the question making my brain go foggy, i wanted to scream,but then again, I remembered this was my fate.

" you don't know your blood type?He asked with an amusing tone to his voice.

"Fine I'll just find out myself" he said before taking long strides towards me. I looked up in panic my breath caught in my throat, his claws were elongated, his skin paler than usual, his eyes, red.

I looked around his room everything was broken he had vented his anger out I was the last piece of the puzzle.

He stalked closer to me, I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice.

He closed the distance between us, i felt his hand, at the back of my head tilting it to the side to expose my neck.

  I felt my knees, buckle my legs, giving up beneath me, he followed me to the ground. I felt tears slipping down my eyes, I didn't want to die,but I knew this was my fate.

I felt his fangs graze, my neck I stiffened. His fangs sank into my neck.I struggled against his hold.

Suddenly I didn't  feel his fangs on my neck anymore, I didn't any pain. I was relieved then the realization of what might have happened hit me. I was dead. Free from torture and this world.

I woke up with a slight ache at the side of my neck. My Head was pounding on the inside.

I opened my eyes to see I was lying on a bed, it was the room I was assigned to the beds were so uncomfortable, my back ached.

I brought my hand to my neck and touched, it stung badly,I scanned the room looking for any sign of danger, since I didn't find any I stood up trying to get on my feet when I stumbled out and fell,I was feeling dizzy.

'Just how much blood did prince zayn drink from me' I thought as I ran my hand across my face.

I sighed in agony and anger, I couldn't do anything to help myself, not like I would live for a long time anyways, and I wasn't dead that was the fact that infuriated me the most.


A few days have passed since the incident happened. I was well again the prince's betrothal was coming to the palace I was asked to clean the prince's chambers.

My breath seized my head heavy, after how many days of trying to avoid that Beast of a prince. Fate was pushing me back into the lions den.

I grabbed my supplies and walked absentmindedly to the prince's chamber the stairs keeping me company. Through the days of staying here I knew how long and tiring those stairs were, but who am I to complain.

I was still in thoughts not when I bumped into someone. I apologize with my head down.

After waiting for a reply and not getting one I took the risk to look up I gasped when I caught sight of the person it was prince zayn. My mouth hung open I crawled back afraid of what he will do to me.

"Watch where you go, u wouldn't be so lucky next time" he said and walked away leaving me speechless and confused.

Maybe he was in a hurry and would punish me later I concluded.

I cleaned the chamber hurriedly and was almost done when the door burst open revealing prince zayn.

He was pissed,I was praying he won't notice me at the side of the room.

"You" he called out his voice full of authority

"Yes Your Majesty" I responded my voice shaking.

"Get out" he said with venom I didn't need to be told I scurried out like a rabbit escaping from it's predator.

Hi guys it's me again, sorry for the late updates I don't have an explanation.

Am writing this chapter in tears,I thought I was fine but when I stared typing the emotions were coming back in waves.

I will be fine tho

Comment and share.

Thank you empress press💓🌹🌺💖

Am fine tho such is life

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