Author's Note

30 8 10

When the well of poetry runs dry, and you think this is it, with the last hit of the imaginary pickaxe a new spring of poetry starts to trickle. This is the trickle from my all but dry well of poetry. Heartfelt, a collection of Haikus, Senryus and Trivenis.

The collection is a semi-celebration and a semi-lamentation of my 10 years on Wattpad. Celebration of the most enjoyable times I spent on this platform, and lamentation that those times are now in the past rather than the present.

This has been my heartfelt author's note, and if you have ever known me here, you know I write too many of them.

This collection is dedicated to the following peeps:

LynnS13, Shimaira, Nyhterides and FinnyH

Y'all are the reason I even write anymore.

Heartfelt - Haiku | Senryu | TriveniWhere stories live. Discover now