v. All My Light

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Darkness... darkness... darkness... there was only darkness. Pitch black silence that will always haunt her. But... What was up ahead? Was that.... light? "Mom," Percy gasped before lunging to her embrace, "I've missed you so much..."

Oh how she missed her mother's hugs. The endless feeling of warmth, the soft texture of her signature sweater, and the sweet-but-never-too-sweet scent of candy. A flash caused Percy to stiffen in the hug. Her mother's dead... cold body always came up somewhere in her memories. 'No. Now this was reality. And my mom is alive,' Percy told herself as tears came to her eyes. She could feel again, no more pain, no more silence, just... herself.

"Percy, hey, are you okay?" the soft voice of Sally Jackson whispered in question, concern clear in her tone, "Did you have another nightmare?"

Percy couldn't bring herself to use words yet. She only nodded meekly and clung tighter to her mother. She didn't want this moment to end. Not yet. Not ever... please. She breathed in her mother's familiar scent once again. It always seemed to calm her nerves. Just like magic.

More tears seeped past her eyes. "Mum?" She called blindly, just wanting to hear her mother's voice more. Please don't disappear... not again.

"I'm right here, starfish," her mother's hands were gentle, threading through her hair lightly, soothing her, giving her air to breath and a heart that beat. Percy felt alive again. And she hadn't felt so in a long, long time. Everything she had been through... if it all lead to this moment? She would fucking do it again.

For an instance, Percy felt like everything she fought for, her hopes and dreams and family... they were worth it again. "Mum, can you stay? Please," She looked up to find relief in the sweet, sparkling blue eyes of her mom that now glimmered a shade of baby blue beneath the moonlight.

"Of course, Percy," Sally took both of her legs up onto Percy's bed, holding her daughter tightly in a protective embrace, "Anything, starfish."She laid her head beside her daughters' slowly while still stroking her hair.

'Mom, I promise you, as long as I'm alive, harm will never come to you.' If her mother could hear her words, Percy knew for a fact what her reply would be: "Oh starfish, I can take care of myself. Just make sure you're okay and I'll be too." 

'Mom? I love you,' Percy thought as her eyelids became heavier. She prayed that when she woke up in the morning, her mom would still be by her side.

"Remember honey," Sally hummed softly. It was like magic how she seemed to hear Percy's thoughts, "I love you."

Her eyes watered, "I love you too, mom."


"Percy? Where are you going at this ungodly hour?" Percy heard her mother's voice from the kitchen followed by thumping footsteps on the wooden floor of their new apartment in New York. "It's already dark outside, it's not safe either."

"Mom, I'll be fine," She laughed lightly, slipping her shoes on and grabbing a jacket along the way. Percy walked up to her mom and hugged her briefly, "I'll be back in a couple minutes."

"Where are you going, young lady," Sally Jackson caught her daughter's arm before Percy could slip through the door and vanish into the cold night air.

Percy rolled her eyes but replied nonetheless, "Just down to the train station, mom. I told you, I found a stray cat. She's gonna freeze in the cold if I don't go." She had turned eleven a few months ago and even then, her mom has been more protective then ever. But Percy didn't argue. After all, she knew being a demigod came with a lot of danger after turning her age.

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