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Athena could barely get any sleep before flashes of painful memories.

She rubbed her arm, scratching at the scabs.

What is worst then causing others pain? Willingly inflicting it on ones self.

"You know its time, you don't want to other choice."

She looked up at the man with hollow eyes. How long will this pain last?

She stood and held out her arm.

"Same choice as always." He said, almost disappointed. 

"Always." Her accepting this would save Peeta from it so each time she had the chance she'd do it, always.

It was like molten lead through her veins, sinking to her knees, holding her forearm.

She breathed through gritted teeth as the poison quickly traveled through it all.

"If you had just killed the right person you wouldn't be here."

She was literally breathing drool bubble in the corners of her mouth because of the little gaps it could drip out of, digging her nails into her arm and palm.

"You should listen, you are just a weapon."

What she hated the most was the hallucinations, seeing thing, death, how her own hands gutted and sliced.

"You are a monster."

And these words, they all influenced her mind.

"You killed him."

She fell on her side, biting wounds into her tongue or cheeks, she didn't know which, all that she tasted was blood.

"If only you just obeyed."


This felt like a routine.

Stepping in and unbothered by the fact she was faced with two people.

Julian she was familiar with, her pain in the butt escort, the man that hyped up 2 for the games.

The second, a bit less, Cinna? Maybe that was his name? She didn't care, all she knew was that he made that flaming mockingjay wedding dress and was fiercely loyal to his victor, having taken a nasty beating but still alive when she thought he was already dead.

Her mind was still woozy from the venom, swimming with blood and gore and her body ached, as if she was being crushed in a quarry cave in, feeling like all her organs wanted to squeeze out of her, she was tired of breathing.

She knew it by now, the whistle that replaced orders, telling her it was the time to make a damned choice.

She stretched her fingers, walking over.... And grabbed Julian, grabbing him in a headlock and pulling him against her chest.

She smiled as the man gripped at her arms and pulled, scratching at it while she squeezed on them hard.

Oh she smiled big, this man dared to bringing her too the 66th, too the 75th, he deserved to die, she would kill him nice and slowly.

It felt so good when his squirming stopped and he fell limp, it felt nice to finally kill him, he deserved it, he took her and her brother.

They all did, she would kill them all, they deserved it all!

To protect, to kill, to live... She'll do anything.


Her suit was a dark gray this time, she just wanted to sleep, to crawl into a hole and die.

Peeta didn't look better.

She kept zoning in an out, randomly answering when speaking too her but she just couldn't stay focused.

Peeta didn't look that good either, a similar shade suit and hollow cheeks.

She was so mad, still hearing his screams and unable to help him.

Her arms rested on the back of the couch, able to touch Peeta's furthest shoulder, he was sitting much more near too her now, by instinct drawn into the older sibling figure that would try to protect him and she accepted that.

She only truly focused in as the camera cut off and peacekeepers grabbed the boy and yanked him away.

"Athe--!" He was cut off by a shove, the cut off in her name shooting a lightning strike through her heart, Athy? He just said Athy?

Before she could think, she threw herself over the back of the couch and grabbed the man, throwing him away from Peeta.

"Don't touch him!!" She yelled, putting herself in between the Peeta that got thrown onto the ground and the several hostiles.

"Athe--" "Ssh!" She harshly hushed him, that cut off again. "It's fine." She promised the impossible. "I'll protect you Munchkin." She realized her own mistake but that pissed her off. 

She swallowed thickly.

"I'll get you out of here, just you wait." She whispered. "I'll protect you and all. I'll fucking kill them all!!" She yelled that at the white costumed men.

She swung a harsh left hook at the first peacekeeper that came at her and Peeta.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now