Video Log 6

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Specialist A. Morrison reporting. Time stamp 2200 hours. Date: January Thirtieth, 2022.

We were informed an hour ago that a lot of the troops over here have been pulled out. We're gonna be some of the last people to head home. Clean up the last of what we had going on here, pack up the files and the resources to be shipped back.

After twenty years, America has decided this act of "self-defense" was sufficient enough to bring all the soldiers that survived this long back home.

There's that word again.


I'm not even sure what that means anymore.

The last time I was in the States, I lived in the barracks for basic. Before that, I was still a kid and lived with Dad and Stella. The day I turned eighteen, Mom send her last check, and I moved halfway across the country to enlist in the army.

So where is home now? Do I move in with Dad and Stella and their new kid?

Do I find a place on my own?

Oh, sorry. Let me report, I'll be right back.

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