just a little fun.

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I stare at the medicine cabinet. I see a bottle of melatonin. I walk over to it. I grab it and take it out. I read the label, it states," 2 milligram melatonin. Serving size: kids, one tablet, adults 2 tablets." Okay, that's good. What if I... I bring the bottle over to the sandwiches. I open the child prof cap, and take out 6 pills. I grab a cup, I crush each one of them individually. Then I grab six more. Each sandwich had two crushed tablets in them.

I also grab some water bottles, I mean, gotta keep them hydrated yeah? I add a single tablet in each, shaking the bottle up, they don't look that suspicious. This would be fun to watch unravel. I grab the tupperware containers and take them to the subjects.

"Hey everyone, I'm back." I say, keeping the door open with my foot. They just look at me, angery and blank. "Uh, I made food." I tell them, holding up the tupperware containers. One of them, apple, got up from the floor where she was coloring and walked slowly towards me. Marshmello got up with her, trying to keep her safe. Marshmallow grabs a container, flinching, nothing happens. I still need their trust for future projects. Apple grabs hers, nothing happens either.

Everyone got up and grabbed their container, I gave yin-yang theirs so yang wouldn't have an allergic reaction. Everyone all sat down and ate, I get get them the bottles of water. Then it hit me. It has been 10 fucking minutes, and I forgot. How?! I rushed back, hoping they weren't passed out yet, they weren't. "Sorry, almost forgot the water." I put them on the ground, and run back to my office/ bedroom. I look at the camera, hoping I could hear something.

No pov:

"Hey... I feel really tired... That's weird..." Lightbulb says, trying to sit up straight. "Eh... I also feel sleepy, I mean, we didn't sleep good last night..." Paintbrush theorizes. Little do they know... "Wait. Are you all feeling sleepy? Cus I am too..." Fan says, putting their sandwich down. Apple is basically asleep, she had her eyes closed, and was laying their. She nodded her head, well sorta. "Yeah... I am. That's kinda sketchy..." Marshmallow tells him, also setting down her sandwich. "Guys... Look." Yin says, showing the insides of his sandwich.


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"THIS IS MELATONIN! SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING!!" yang screeches. "Oh no... Okay how many of you ate the sandwich?!" Paintbrush asks, petrified of what test tube will do. Everyone raised their hand. Except apple.lApple. Not the time for jokes." Marshmellow shakes her. "Apple? Apple?!" She continues to shake her. But apple was in a deep sleep. No matter how hard she tries, apple just responds with groans of grogginess. "Okay, we need to think. How can we not fall asleep so quickly? We need to have one of us stay up to at least try and protect the others!" Paintbrush says. "But how is that possible?! We all ate at least most of the sandwich, how will we stay up? We will just have to risk it, we will pass out either way!" Fan replies back. They all sat there thinking about what to do. About a good five seconds later, a voice came on the speaker.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I put the serving size, you guys won't pass out easily, but maybe the water will help speed up the process?" Test tube laughs. "Oh my god, I drank the whole bottle." Paintbrush said, wide eyed. They love water. Yin yang looks even more terrified, "Oh no us too!" "Okay this is bad... This is bad..." Paintbrush says, getting up. "Guys, let's just fall asleep, test tube will probably do nothing! We will be just fine!" Lightbulb reassures them.

"How do you know that! If she did that to fan, think of what she would do to me, you, yinyang, marshmallow, and apple?! She probably has stuff planned! I don't get how you're so calm!" Paintbrush rambles to her. "painty, what did we just eat? Of course I'm calm, when it kicks in, it kicks in. I'll be just fine, me and you, no offense to the rest of y'all, all great people, but me and painty are kinda like test tubes favorites, she will be hesitant, along with you, fan, she will be hesitant with future expiments. Trust me. I know her." Lightbulb tells them, laying down in her room. She closed her eyes, and slept. Everyone went quiet. "R-really..? How do you know this?!" Paintbrush marches over to the sleeping lightbulb.

Paintbrush shakes her awake, as she is not fully asleep yet. "Tell me!" Paintbrush dammands. "Well, we were all best buds... And she is really nice and stuff..." Lightbulb says, she sounds even more tired than before. She falls asleep, paintbrush at her side. "Shit..." He mutters. "Guys, we didn't fully eat the sandwich, well, yin at some of it, but drank all the water, yell yin did, I REFUSE!! But, that means, I'll still be awake, and I'll help keep you guys safe..." Yang told them, muttering the last part. "Hmm? What was that yang??" Yin teased. "I'll help keep you guys stay safe! Cough AHH! YOU TRICKED ME!" Yang shouted. "No, just proving you care about the team." Yin giggles. "Wait what happens when one half is sleeping and one half is awake?" Paintbrush asks, walking over to the two.

"Well, it's complicated, but to make it easier to understand, the other half is basically paralyzed, cant move, like if yang was sleeping, I can't move, but I can talk, but not really, just kinda sounds like jumbles of words. The way we can wake eacother up though, we can scream at one another in our minds! Yang found this out last month. It might help a lot in this situation!" Yin informed paintbrush. "I told you that would be useful! See! I can be right!!" "I never told you you were always wrong!" Yin yells at yang.

"Well... If yang can wake you up... Yin can wake at least one of us." Paintbrush says. "Wow planning stuff behind my back? You guys really think I can't hear you?" Test tubes voice chims in. Everyone went silent. "Tsk tsk tsk, do you forgot what is on your neck??" Test tube says. Paintbrushsmes eyes widen. "NO TEST TUBE PLEASE PLEASE NO!" fan pleaded. "To late." She pressed the button for everyone, they all felt the shock go through their bodies, they all try and resist. Paintbrush clutching onto the collar, trying to keep it off their body. apple was shocked awake, she was crying in pain, along with lightbulb. Yin was on the verge of tears. Yang was trying to resist. Yang actually looks scared, and sad. One thing no one ever saw in Yang's eyes. Marshmallow looked like she would catch fire any moment. Fan was coughing violently, it was painful to hear.

The shock stopped, everyone collapseing to the ground. No one said anything. They lied there. Apple was still crying from the pain. Marshmallows arm was around her. As she tried conferting her. "Mhm. I'll be coming to collect my next subject soon" she said turning off the microphone. She knew exactly how she was going to go for next. They were perfect. Test tube has been waiting to find out how they work. They will find out.

HI GUYSSSS ITS SUSHI!!! if you saw my update post, you will know that I've been busy and what not, but I am back and have the rest of the summer to be wrighting! And WERE AT 200 VIEWS??? 😨😨😨 OMG TYSM WHAT??? And, I will be going back to posting at the first of every month, starting in August, and continueing to the end of the school year, anyway, hope y'all liked this chapter!!! Sushi, out!!!!


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