Little Changes. (pt. 2)

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The blanket caught fire in paintbrushes hand. They flung it around trying to put it out. Test tube watched, not even flinching. A small smirk even appeared on her face. Paintbush threw the burning blanket to the ground, and tried stomping it.

"PAINTBUSH STOP THATS GONNA- PAINTBUSH!" fan yells. Parts of paintbrush lit up in flames. The fire lit them up in an orange glow. Everyone stared in horror, occasionally looking at eachother like "what the fuck do we do?!" Test tube just kinda... Zoned out watching them beg and beg for someone to help.

Lightbulb screamed in terror as paintbush freaked. First test tube smirked slightly, then just a full on grin appeared on her face. Fan looked at test tube. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! HELP THEM!" he yelled. Test tube grabbed the fire extinguisher and opened paintbrushes room. She eventually put the fire out.

Paintbush was passed out with third degree burns. Test tube sighed with annoyance. Lightbulb tried staying awake. But eventually she faded into unconsciousness. Test tube sighed in disappointment. "Of course now I have to drag both of them!" She muttered. She grabbed both of them.

??? Pov:

"Thanks for putting on a bit." [ redacted ] said to me. "No problem. Makes it look believable." I say back. She tends to my wound. "Also, sorry if it was a bit overboard. I can't be giving you special treatment just because your helping!" [Redacted] told me cleaning up the blood on m.

"Remember. This is my idea. If you fuck this plan up, we will both die or rot in jail. Got that?" I say seriously. "Mhm. I understand." [Redacted] said. "Do you have that little thing I got you?" I ask a bit more happily. "Of course I do!" [Redacted] says smiling. I laugh. "What do you think everyone's reaction would be to me being a traitor?" I giggle. "Oh they would be all 'omg I can't believe that it was you!!' See? See? That's my impression of fan." [Redacted] said. I laugh at it. We just kinda talked.

No pov:
30 minutes later:

"Okay, so I'm gonna bring you back so I can work on paintbrush. Okay?" Test tube says grabbing some bandages. "Okay..." Lightbulb says. "Also, is your eye okay..?" Lightbulb asks. "Oh yeah- yang fucking punched me- he is strong I'm not gonna lie to you!" Test tube laughs. "I'm gonna put some bandages around it. I know that won't heal it, but it's better than whatever liquid is in me getting all over the floor. I know I had a lot of acid from episode twelve of season 2!" Test tube jokes. "Oh God don't remind me!" Lightbulb laughs. "Alright. Let's go. And don't act so cheery. Your stuck here with me. You can't escape." Test tube says, her face dropping. "Yes... Yes I know..." Lightbulb says getting up.

As they walk lightbulb doesn't try to run. She knows what test tube is capable of. They eventually make it to the room. "Good your safe!" Fan says. "Hey flat face- I mean fan." She laughs. Yin and yang are still sitting in their room, staring at each other. "What the fuck is up with them?" Lightbulb asks. "In your room." Test tube pushes her into her room. "Man, fuck you then!" Lightbulb yells. Test tube looks her in the eyes. "Shi- my bad." Test tube walks out the room.

Yin's pov.

This is weird... I hate looking at yang. I'm so used to being together with him, and him always controlling the right half. But now- I'm in full control. I move my right arm a little. It feels weird. I stare at it, twisting my arm. I look at yang hand he looks back. "So... Uhm... How you feeling..?" He asks. "Wh-what uh- good..? This is weird. I dont like this." I reply. "Okay good we're on the same page." He says. "I'm so used to you being in control of the right half... I don't even know how to use my right hand. What do I do with it?! Fucking stare at it!?" I yell. Yang looks at me confused. "Since when did you curse?! That's my job!" "I've always been able to. Just never wanted to. But this is an appropriate time for me to curse!" I say back. "Okay then..." We both go silent. "So... Uh... This is kinda weird." Yang says

"You don't think?" I say annoyed. "Hey. Let's all just calm down. Let's make sure everyone is okay. Okay?" Lightbulb says. "Yeah okay. Like your gonna do anything." Yang spat. "Hey. I know what im doing. So shut your fucking mouth." She spat back. Everyone was silent in shock.

Narrator pov:

"Yeah. Shut up. I have a massive headache." She says. "Oh wow. I definitely couldn't tell with that massive fucking gash in your head. You know, the one where test tube hit you with a baseball bat! Shattered you! Made your fucking brains spill out!" Yang said. Yin grabbed him trying to descalate the situation. "Oh? Oh?! Yeah! Maybe she did! Maybe she fucking shattered me!" Lightbulb yelled back. "What happened to your whole "oh testy wouldn't hurt anybody oh boohoo" thing?! Huh?! Now you know how pretty much everyone else feels!" Fan jumped in. "Fan stay the hell out of this!" Lightbulb said. Apple was trying to sleep, given that its around 1 am.

Marshmallow noticed her trying to sleep. "Hey guys let's all just calm down! I know everyone is stressed right now, but we should all try sleeping. Okay?" Everyone just looks at eachother, exhausted. They nod and just go to the corner of their room and huddle up with their pretty itchy and not really warm blankets. Hopeing they would die of the cold.

Test tube pov

1:30 am.

"...." I am silent. Focusing on their burns. These are pretty bad burns. Second or third degree I'd say. I bandage them up. I look at their arm. Third degree burns all over it. I don't even think I could save this. What am I doing? I could never pull off something like that! Their weren't supposed to burn! I hardly know how to treat burns! My only other choice is... I look at the saw on the counter. "...this might do." I put on a pair of gloves and a mask. I grab the saw. Holding it steady. I think why nod kill them now? Get it over with! Get them out the way! ...what the hell am I thinking! I- I'm not like this?! Who- I'm not me! Who am I?! Why am I hurting my own friends! Then I remember. It was all HER idea. She is the one who wanted this. ...this is my only hope.

I raise back up the saw. Hoping this would work. I swing down. Blood gushing out of their arm. I new I had a time limit. I quickly moved the saw. Hoping I don't wake them. I didn't even give them any anithetics! They might wake up! No they-

"AHHHH" paintbrush screamed. "Shut up! Shut up!" I yell back. Im panicking. I just move the saw quicker, trying to get this over with. They lost a lot of blood. Im still panicking. Eventually. I get the part of the arm off. Paintbush passed out. Most likely due to the lack of blood. I quickly stitch them up, and rap their arm up. I don't know how to wake them up. Uh... I shake them by the shoulders. They open their eyes slightly. "....test tube. Stop this...." Clearly they were in pain. I roll my eyes. "I'll give you some pain meds." I say turning around. " arm.... My arm..?! Where is my arm?!" I turn around holding their severed limb. "OH MY GOD-" they turn away a vomit.

"Why?!" Good question. Why did I do that..? "...your arm was to burnt to save." They started crying slightly. I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get you back to your room. Oh and I'll get you new blankets and pillows." I say walking to the door. They get up, gaining their balance. "Watch it, the floor is slippery." I say pointing to the blood. They look up at me like "what the fuck?!" They walk over and out the door.

Narrator pov.

2 am.

Test tube opens the door. "I'll be back with your blankets. And probably some other ones for everyone else. You guys should have better blankets that fucking sand paper." Paintbush sits in their room. Waiting for her. They examine their now served limb. They tear up at the sight of it. They look away. Trying to distract themselves.

Test tube came back with new blankets. She tossed one to paintbrush. Along with a new pillow. She left a new blanket for everyone. "Get some sleep. I have some test I want to run on you tomorrow. Along with everyone else." She says leaving, closing the door behind her. Locking it.

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