Nothing is Aye-Oj!

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Oj is panicked. light bulb paintbrush yin yang and fan have been missing for days! marshmallow and apple have been missing for a while, he knew. But he had been frantic to find them. He was so nervous all the time, missing posters were all over the town. By day 2 he called the police. it was kinda like those 4- 5..? whatever- to go missing for a day. But someone, mostly paintbrush, would give him a heads up and an estimate of when they would be back. everyone had texted and called like crazy. 

"Oj honey please calm down... you need to rest. 2 hours of sleep a day isn't good for you! I know you're worried right now-" Paper said before he was cut off "It's not just them either! The hotel work, the police contacting me like crazy for interviews and asking to search the hotel- I'm stressed out. Okay? I don't know what to do and I'm usually stressed but this is a whole new level with 4 people missing that live under MY roof! They live under MY name! The police are probably starting to suspect I did it! I-I- I just don't know what to do?! Okay?! I just want them to be safe-" Paper hugges Oj, holding him tight. Giving him a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay. I can help with ALL of that. I'm pretty sure soap can give an extra hand with cleaning. We can let them search the hotel, and interview people. Just be sure to announce it beforehand. Okay?" Paper told him softly, trying to comfort him. Oj hugged him back. "Th-thank you babe. I love you so much... You are like a lifesaver to me." Oj mumbled. Paper chuckled softly. "I love you too honey." Paper let go of him. "What do you need to do next?" He asked calmly. "Uhm... I think laundry next..?" Oj responded to him. Paper nodded. "Okay. You go get some rest. I'll get you when I'm done. Okay?" Paper told him, giving him another kiss on the cheek. Oj nodded. "Yeah... yeah okay. I will." Paper walks Oj to his room, laying him down in his bed. "Just rest, okay? Me and soap can do this ourselves, okay?" 

"...okay. Are you sure though-?" Paper cut him off by putting his finger to Oj's lips. "Yes. I'm sure. I'm repaying you for all the hard work you do for people around here. Enjoy your nap." Paper says walking out, turning off the lights. He walks to soap, who was in the kitchen.

    "Hey soap..?" Paper spoke quietly. "hm?" She turned around, her hands in the sink washing some dishes. "Yeah what is it paper?" She says flapping the soap and water off her hands. "Uh so Oj is and has been getting overwhelmed with all the stress with police, and work around the hotel so can you-" "Help out? yeah of course! Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it." Paper was stunned. "A-are you sure..?" She nods. "Of course I am! I already help out a lot here. I wont mind being given a few extra things to do." Paper hugs her tightly. "You have no idea I how much this means to me!  Thank you!" She laughs. "It's no problem paper. I can tell you and oj have been stressed a lot lately. It's the least I can do!"

    As paper finishes up so laudury there was a knock on the door. He sprinted and opened the door. "Are you Orange juice the owner of this hotel?" Paper looked at the office. "N-no sir... I am his boyfriend however my name is also in the ownership." The officer looked at his papers. "Paper correct?" He nodded. "We just have questions relating to the disappearence of your friends." Paper nodded. "I think his office would be a nice place." He spoke. The officer followed him to Oj's office and took a seat.

After a few hours a question, answers and more questions the officer asked, "Do you know if anyone of your friends would actually kidnap your friends?" Paper looked at him funny. "Wha-what do you mean..? All of them are like best friends! I've never seen them try and hurt each other!" He responded. "What about that test tube girl? Doesn't she have a lab?" Paper went silent. The room was silent. The only thing being heard was the quiet hum of the AC. "...are you saying test tube might have... Took them..?" He stuttered. Paper was terrified of the idea. Test tube was always really nice and quiet whenever he saw her. The thought of her hurting anyway was... Wrong. "She might have. Do you know exactly where this "lab" is located?" "No clue. I think some of the season two competitors might though..."

The officer questioned a lot of them. They replys weren't giving him a lead. Until he questioned the little brown and yellow suitcase. She was extremely nervous. "So, do you know where test tubes lab it?" He asked. "Oh a lab! Yeah I know where it is! I've been there before." The officer was holding back jumping up in excitement. "Good!" He pulled out his note pad. "Give me every detail of where this could be. Any thing you can think of."

Suitcase was not hesitant. She described it the best she could. She said how it was located in the forest. Since in episode 14 they destroyed the Dr. Fizz mechanen test tube built a different door in the ground. It was more like a elevator. It was under a pile of leaves. When she was asked If they're any landmarks, she replied with "well.. I never really thought about it... But I think it's a good couple of feet away from the lake." Once he got all the details he asked to see paper again.

   "Good news. We got a lead. We have a ruff location of her lab. We're going to check it out tomorrow. Bring the whole team. Everyone that we put on it." The officer told paper. "Really!? This is great!" Paper exclaimed. He nodded. "Indeed. We'll stop by tomorrow at 12pm sharp. Be ready." He said. He walked out the office and put the hotel. Paper was so happy they could save them. They would be.. safe. Safe. That's all he wanted. Was their safety. Even if he didn't talk with any of them often, he wanted them to be safe.

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