11 - Happy Birthday (bonus chapter pt. 1)

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Yea i decided i wanted to write a bonus chapter cuz i feel like there wasn't enough reader and Jay content so this is purely for my enjoyment :) also, now that the 2nd movie is done i'll probably take a few months off to just relax, let the stories sit, plus i'm moving (houses and into college all in the same month so that's gonna be fun) so it'll just be easier on me to take a bit of a break. but i'll do what i've done with these past two stories and sit down, write out the whole book & movie plot, then post once the whole book is finished.

Also this was a bit of a longer part so it'll be split into 2 parts :) enjoy

Y/n's POV

It had been a few days since Cotillion and things had gotten relatively back to normal. I've been taking my role as R.O.A.R team captain very seriously, and the coach has accepted Jay's decision to give the captain role to me.

Practice had ended for the day and I met up with Lonnie outside of the auditorium, Jay and Carlos right behind me. "Great practice today, guys?" Lonnie asked us as we began walking to the cafeteria to grab lunch together.

"Yeah, just another day of kicking Chad's ass," I told Lonnie with a chuckle as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

Jay and Carlos laughed too. "It's like every time Y/n defeats him in a duel, you can see his dignity slowly fade away," Carlos joked as Jay wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Lonnie laughed with us. "So, you guys got any plans for the rest of the week?" She asked as we walked into the cafeteria.

Jay removed his arm from my shoulder as we grabbed lunch trays and began making our way down the line. "Nope, not really," I said after thinking. "Besides practices, I'm pretty much free."

"That's not true," Jay spoke up, bumping his shoulder into me. I looked over at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. I didn't think I was forgetting anything.

Jay raised an eyebrow, looking at me like I was missing something obvious. "Y/n, did you really forget? Your birthday is on Friday."

My mouth made an "O" shape as I realized what Jay said was true. The four of us had grabbed our lunches and found Mal, Ben, Evie, and Doug sitting at a couple picnic tables out in the lawn as we sat down at the tables with them. "Yeah, with the Cotillion and Uma fiasco I completely forgot," I said as Jay and I sat down across from Evie and Doug. Lonnie and Carlos sat down in front of Mal and Ben at the other table next to us.

"What did you forget, F/i?" Evie asked, overhearing our conversation.

"My birthday, apparently," I told her, digging into my food.

Evie gasped in front of me. "Your birthday? How could we forget?? All of us, especially you, Jay," She began saying, pointing at my boyfriend.

Jay raised his arms up in defense. "Don't look at me, I remembered before the birthday girl here did," he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

I rolled my eyes, "In my defense, this past month has been crazy."

"Yeah, no kidding," Mal chuckled from her table.

"Well, Y/n, you have to have a party!" Lonnie exclaimed.

With food in my mouth, I quickly raised my eyebrow at her. "Do I? I'm all for celebrating my birthday, but parties? Not my scene," I told her, before going back to my lunch.

"What about Cotillion? And Ben's Coronation?" Lonnie asked me.

I turned on the bench to face her. "Cotillion, although it was fun, was also awful at the same time. It was incredibly loud and I spent the whole next day laying in bed because my ears wouldn't stop violently ringing, not to mention how badly they were bleeding by the end of the night. And half way through the party after the Coronation, Jay and I went and sat down away from the party because, again, it was too loud. Parties are always loud, so in my case it's usually better to avoid them," I told her.

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