Haunted Melody-Lucy

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Together, we trooped up to the attic. Or stumbled. Lockwood half carried me and I had to hop step the stairs. While he could easily carry me from kitchen to living room. Three flights of stairs would be a little much for anyone. George led the way with a rapier drawn. It was unlikely that a visitor would be there, but the sun wasn't up yet, so you never know. The closer we got to the room the more nervous I got. I couldn't help but remember the ghost touch and falling down the stairs. I really hated being awoken in the night by a visitor in my room. But maybe I'm just funny that way. Lockwood seemed to read my nervousness because he smiled reassuringly at me.

"It'll be fine. I've got you."

George flung open the door and we stepped past the iron strips.

The room was chilly. But only because I hadn't been there to turn up the heat.

It looked different.

"Lockwood, did you clean my room?"

He shrugged as best as he could with still supporting me. "When I was getting your clothes I thought I might as well."

That's it. No need for a ghost to kill me. I was going to die right here.

"Did you... um did you find anything?"

Lockwood frowned slightly. "Not anything that seemed to be a source." That was not an answer. Lockwood helped me over to the bed. It was good not to be touching him at the moment. My face was so warm.

"Do you have any idea what the source might be?" George asked me. He still thought I stole something.

"Of course not." I replied hotly. "If I did, I would have told you already and then we wouldn't have to make this trip."

Lockwood stood with his legs apart. Focused. He surveyed the room. Total agent mode. "Sometimes a source can go quietly for years and then when there is a change in the room it can be disturbed. That could be what happened. I mean, this house is really old. There could be anything in this attic."

"It's kinda hard to find a source without the visitor giving some clues," I pointed out. "We don't even know what we're dealing with. Maybe it's too early to. Should we put this off to tomorrow?"

"No." Lockwood was set. "This is my house and the visitor isn't welcome anymore."

I had an idea. "Just now, downstairs, I was crying and then the visitor appeared. I think my negative emotions fed it."

"You were crying?" Lockwood looked concerned.

"Perfect!" George exclaimed. Then he shoved Lockwood roughly.

Lockwood stumbled back into the door and hit his head hard. He looked in surprise at George. "What was that for?" Lockwood touched the back of his head gingerly.

"Are you angry with me?"

"Mostly confused."

"Oh. I was trying to make you mad. Then we'd have negative emotions."

Lockwood straightened the collar of his robe. "You'd have to do better than that." Lockwood didn't get emotional easily. Not like me, I thought ruthful. One of the main cons to being a talented sensitive.

"Ok then," George said moving quickly to a new tactic. "We could go around the room and talk about our feelings. Feelings get emotional."

Lockwood raised an eyebrow quizzically. "I don't see how this is going to do anything. Actually I..." But George cut him off.

"I'll go first. I want you both to know that Flo Bones and I are officially dating."

"What?" We both gasped.

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