Chapter Nine

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After the brief discussion with my limitedly tolerated mother in law, I had come to the realization that I was, in fact, never going to get along with her. I had the small impression that I'd never be good enough in her eyes, let alone my fathers. I don't understand the malice I'd been tolerating with little to no retaliation. If anything I was the victim in the situation at hand, I have endured so much regarding his younger self.

As I was driving to work I was thinking over the events of recent months, and how I'd changed so much in my life for Namjoon and to please those who had been pressuring us. Was it really all that unfortunate? Is he still the bad guy and is just hiding it? I had decided to forgive him, he seemed like he matured, but a part of me will never forget some of his actions.

After an exhausting 12 hour shift I have finally arrived home to be greeted by a clean home and no suitcases or misplaced items in sight. I was curious as to what had happened considering the in-laws were to leave in another weeks time. Namjoon suddenly appeared through the hallway-how could one be so quiet- he then spoke.

"It seems they got the message their presence wasn't enjoyed," he chuckled.

"A message I am so glad they received," I replied.

I had been so exhausted from the day and so busy i had forgotten to eat anything let alone drink anything and suddenly a wave a nausea and fatigue took over. I tried to make my way to the kitchen but then I was met with total darkness.

I greeted Y/N as she entered the door and noticed her face was flushed from all color, I had attributed this to a long day, but as I tried to continue conversation she had suddenly passed out. I inspected the damage hoping she hadn't hit her head on the floor too hard, but it seems her arm took most of the fall. I wasn't going to leave her there so I picked her up and carried her to our room, covered her in bed and brought a cold compress and a tall glass of water for when she woke up.

I have had my spells of passing out from exhaustion, and the hospital would just rack up a bill for what I can provide in the comfort of our home. I knew she would be starved by the time she woke up so I made her a plate of pasta and shrimp we had planned on making the next night. It reminded me of our first adult date and put a smile to my face. I had set the plate in the microwave, prepared to wake as soon as she did, so I made myself comfortable with a book and coffee in a chair in the corner of our room facing the bed she was lying in.

I awoke with a start, not remembering what had happened or why I passed out. I surveyed my surroundings and was greeted with a snoring Namjoon, an empty coffee mug sitting on a table, and a book clearly long forgotten on the floor. This sight was enough to invoke a slight giggle from me. This was apparently enough to get him awake and he rushed to my side.

"Are you okay? I was very worried about you! I didn't want to take you to the hospital if it wasn't necessary, are you upset?" He questioned me thoroughly.

"I am not upset, but I am thirsty." I stated with a small twinge of joy.

I then grabbed the tall water glass on the nightstand and chugged it down, not caring that any was spilling from the sides of the cup rather unflatteringly. My scrubs have withstood anything, water wont hurt me. I did make a mental note to wash these sheets before I slept in this bed next.

Namjoon surveyed the sight and I put the cup down with a sigh.

"Are you hungry Y/N? I made you food for when you woke up" he asked.

I wasn't particularly hungry but I can't let this gesture go unnoticed so I get up and with his help I get to the dining table. He was setting everything up and I watched. His eagerness to make sure I was alright and his care have shown me a brand new side of Namjoon that I am a big fan of. I ate the food, it needed salt, but I was more than happy to show him it was delicious. I finished in 5 minutes or less.

After the food was done, I asked if we could watch a show together and he agreed politely.

It was nice having someone to be with me after something like this, I can only imagine what would've happened if nobody was home. I saw the endearment in his actions and couldn't help but look up at him and smile. As he looked at me I felt this feeling I had never felt towards him before. Without thinking I leaned in and planted a small kiss on his cheek. In the low glowing light of the TV I could almost see the faint tint of pink in his cheeks as I looked away.

The TV wasn't very entertaining, it was a silly reality TV show, but he never took his eyes off of the TV. I think he was shy. I smiled to myself and didn't address it. I eventually drifted off to sleep again and right before I closed my eyes for the night I felt a blanket being draped overtop of me.


Hey! I'm back lol. I know its been forever but this story has always held a place in my heart and now being older I think I can finally do it justice. I'll be revising the first chapters but I know what direction this will be going in. I hope you enjoy everyone :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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