A Turn For The Worse

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Pain was the only thing Mackenzie could feel. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he grabbed his knee in extreme discomfort. Everyone surrounded him, as he laid down on the grass. One second he was running, and the next, he found himself paralyzed in a world of hurt. As he lay in agony, Mackenzie began to wonder how this day had gone so south so fast...

It began as just another first day of school, a mix of dread and excitement, but this year was different for many reasons. For one, it was the beginning of senior year, which meant that this was the last year everyone was forced to go school. It also meant that everyone is no longer 'too young' to be thinking about jobs and colleges, as everyone will soon be dumped into the 'real world'...

That Morning

Sharp vibrations ring, as the dreaded alarm rings throughout the room. A border collie reaches for his phone frantically searching for the snooze button.

Mackenzie: "Just five more minutes..."

Mackenzie, half-asleep, was still used to his mother waking him up, which explained why he would talk to himself in such a pleading way.

After the alarm rang for the second time, Mackenzie finally decided that it would be in his best interest to get up and start his day. He begins his routine.

Use the bathroom

Quick mini-workout


Breakfast (Bar, banana, yogurt)

Procrastinate leaving


After completing his routine, Mackenzie quickly tells his mother goodbye, and heads to his car. Finally, Mackenzie can drive, so no more hot, long, and annoying bus rides. He drives off, heading to what he thinks is a normal first day of school, but It'll be far from that...

The day continues to be boring, just meeting back up with friends and reviewing rules just like every other year but after school is where things take a turn for the worst.

Mackenzie: "Can you believe we have touch practice on the first day of school?"

Lucky: "Yeah, it totally sucks"

Jean-Luc: "Maybe it'll be laid back today"

Mackenzie: "We can hope, but I doubt it JL. You know how coach is"

Jean-Luc: "Well maybe he's had a change of heart?"

Mackenzie laughs

Mackenzie: "I love your sense of optimism"

And so, practice starts and continues as normal, until the coach calls a scrimmage. Scrimmages are often the best part of practice, because everyone is so eager to compete. And this scrimmage was fun as all the rest...until it...

Mackenzie was running full speed until his knee popped. It just gave out as he collapsed to the ground in irritation. Everyone rushed over to him, as everyone could tell he was seriously hurt. Not even the wisecracking Lucky would even dare to make a joke about it, as Mackenzie began to cry from the pain. It was becoming apparently clear that he was going to have to go to the hospital to figure out the cause of the injury. Tears streaked down from his eyes, as the whole touch team was watching him at his lowest point. He hadn't cried in years, but no matter how strong he was, nothing could prevent him from wailing, as his knee began to swell. Mackenzie did his best to hide his face as he was taken off to be evaluated...

Doctor: "Mackenzie, you have an anterior cruciate ligament injury, or what a lot of people call an ACL tear"

Mackenzie lays in the hospital bed in silence, not knowing how to comprehend the information.

Doctor: "And I regret to inform you that it's a complete tear. Your gonna need surgery, and it'll take 6-9 months for you to fully heal"

Now Mackenzie really didn't know what to think

Mackenzie: "So does that mean I won't be able to play sports anymore?"

Doctor: "No Mackenzie, this is a very severe injury. It'll be awhile before you can even walk normally again"

This blew Mackenzie's mind. Senior year was supposed to be the best year of all, not the worst. Now he can't even play any sports, let alone walk.

Doctor: "We're scheduling your surgery in a few weeks, and for now, you'll be using crutches. In the meantime, your mum is here, and we'll go over a few things, and then leave you guys to it."

Mackenzie's mum enters the room and they all go over the new procedures of how to go about the injury.

Mackenzie's Mum: "Hey Kenzie, how are you doing?"

Mackenzie: "Better, but that's not saying much. It hurts so bad"

Mackenzie's Mum: "I know son, I'm sorry"

Mackenzie: "Yeah, and then I cried in front of everyone. I couldn't help it, but least Lucky probably got a kick out of it"

Mackenzie's Mum: "No, I'm sure he feels bad about it. After all he is your best friend"

Mackenzie: "I dunno mum, you know how he is"

Mackenzie's Mum: "Well if it cheers you up, I invited some people to come see you"

Mackenzie: "Oh no mum, now they're gonna see me while I'm weak"

Mackenzie's Mum: "Oh here she is now"

Mackenzie heard the word she, indicating who was coming in, and he instantly became embarrassed. The person he should be most excited to see, he was dreading, because of the state he's in.

Bluey: "Hey Kenzie, how are you feeling?"

Mackenzie: "Great, totally great"

Bluey: "I know your lying to me Mackenzie, it's ok to not be ok"

Mackenzie: "Yeah it's just I don't want you to see me while I'm at my worst"

Bluey: "Oh Mackenzie, this isn't gonna change how I see you. After all, you are my boyfriend"

Mackenzie's stomach jumped, still not used to hearing those words.

Bluey: "Anyways, I brought you some chocolate, I thought that might perk you up"

Mackenzie: 'Oh Bluey, you know I don't eat candy. It's bad for you"

Bluey: "C'mon Kenzie, a little bit of chocolate every once in a while isn't bad for you."

Mackenzie: "I reckon"

Bluey: "I'll just leave it here, if you decide to change your mind"

Mackenzie: "Thanks Blu"

Bluey: "Anyways, I'll head on. I would stay longer, all night even, but it's a school night, and you know how my dad is"

Mackenzie: "Yeah, I totally understand"

Bluey: "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow"

Mackenzie: "Ok Bluey, cya"

Bluey: "Cya Mackenzie, and don't worry, we'll get through this...together"

Author's Note

1. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and is basically a prequel and an appetizer of sorts for the rest of the book to come

2. See you guys soon

Big Kid School 4: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now