It's Always the Gym Teacher - Chapter 5

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It's Always the Gym Teacher - Chapter 5

"Coach Cason!" Ryan, my substitute cornerback, yelled as he waved his hand up in the air. Ryan was adorable... for a student if course. He was in 11th grade and had shaggy beach blonde hair, baby blue eyes, dimples, and was well built. Of course he was now on my good side for calling me coach.

"Yes Ryan?" I asked as I walked over to them since the last guy had just finished in the locker room.

"I was just wondering... whose pants you got in?" he stuttered through chuckles. At first I thought he was just making some sex joke then I realized I really was in someone else's shorts. I tugged at the elastic and pulled them up even more. The band was around my middle torso and they were still baggy.

"They're my brother's actually. All mine were dirty." I saw Max wink and Alex was looking at me suspiciously. He knew they weren't his.

Instead if continuing that conversation I changed the subject. "Boys! Today we will be working on your ability to think on your feet." I yelled making it echo off the walls of the massive gym. "I want each of you to get a pair of gloves and partner up." teaching fighting to a football team will be interesting, and it may not be my best idea. Once everyone had a partner I placed them spread apart around the gym. "Fighting is form! I don't care how buff or heavy you are. If you don't have form then you will lose." I explained pacing and weaving through the groups as I spoke.

"So your telling me that even you, a 60 pound, four foot twig could beat this?" Chris said motioning to his abs when he lifted up his shirt.

"While those measurements are incorrect, the answer is still a yes." I said turning to walk towards him. "School rules forbid any contact as such however so I suppose you'll just have to trust me." hoping he wouldn't push it I just smiled and spun around. As soon as I felt a hand on my shoulder I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"What happened to 'I wouldn't have to touch you to beat you?'" Chris asked obviously bringing up something I'd said when I first met him.

"I would appreciate you letting go of me." I said pulling my shoulder from his grasp. Obviously I was going to have to man up and take control.

"I told you guys girls couldn't be tough," he said laughing at the thought. "Or teach gym for that matter." he added obviously wanting me to hear.

His words cut deep. My dad had the same thoughts when I was still living with my parents. My mom thought that even more so. She was a bit spoiled. I don't think women should have to do any physical labor. Of course since we weren't the richest people she didn't get a maid and cook like she wanted. Her solution was simple; she made dad do everything. Alex has always been the only one who supported me. Looking over to him now I saw how angry he was getting. I know what Alex is like angry. It is not pretty. "Hey Chris!" I heard and before I could stop him Alex was in his face. "You don't talk to my little sister like that!" when the word left his mouth I cringed. That's what I was afraid of, 'little'.

"Oh but I thought she was older?" Chris said with sarcasm. Obviously he still thought I looked... Or was younger than I'm saying. Even though I am, and it is a little obvious, you would think he would've let it go. I saw Max's eyebrows raise out of the corner of my eye and a few of the others were smiling at me in this really creepy way.

Luckily Alex was a faster thinker than me, "I meant little by height jackass now back off." he yelled shoving Chris backwards. Before it could escalate I put my hands on Alex and led him back to his partner. "Don't interfere." I said placing my hands in his arms to hold him in place. I need this job! He of all people should know that.

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